

Kazakhstan inflation soars to 15 %

Among food products, sugar has raised in price the most
Kazakhstan inflation soars to 15 %
Фото: nonews.co 01.08.2022 16:31 814

Inflation in July 2022. year-on-year was 15%, for the month - 1.1%, El.kz reports with reference to the Bureau of National Statistics.

Prices for food products compared to July last year increased by 19.7%, for non-food products increased by 14.2%, paid services - by 9.2%. A significant increase in prices in annual terms was noted for sugar - 87.3%, onions - 71.7%, flour - 36.6%. A decrease in prices was observed for carrots by 29.6%, beets - by 25.2%.

The level of prices for personal goods increased by 26.3%, detergents and cleaning agents - by 23.5%, household appliances - by 22.6%, building materials - by 20.5%, furniture and household items - by 19.1%, cars - by 15.2%, dishes - by 14.8%, textiles - by 11.5%, pharmaceutical products - by 9.7%.

Prices for paid services for the year (July 2022 to July 2021) increased by 9.2%. The level of prices for the organization of complex recreation increased by 19.1%, catering services - by 16.8%, health care - by 15%, sanatoriums - by 14.1%, services of hairdressers and personal service establishments - by 13%, hotels - by 5.9%. Passenger transport services rose in price by 5.5%.

At the same time, according to the Director of the Department of Price Statistics of the Bureau Kuanyshbek Zhakypbekula, in the field of housing and communal services, both an increase in tariffs and a decrease are observed.

"In July of this year, compared to July last year, tariffs for electricity increased by 2.4%, garbage collection, gas transported through distribution networks - by 1.8%, and for central heating - decreased by 2.3%, hot water - by 1.3%, water disposal - by 0.5%," Zhakypbekuli said.

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