

Kazakhstan presents Concept for Development of AI in country

Kazakhstan presents Concept for Development of AI in country
Фото: Ukimet 16.07.2024 14:01 3081

Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov chaired the meeting on the Concept for the Development of Artificial Intelligence. Minister of Digital Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhaslan Madiyev made a report on its implementation, El.kz reports.

The purpose of the Concept is to build an AI ecosystem, create a favorable climate and further develop economic sectors using artificial intelligence.

For this purpose, it is planned to build  a supercomputer in Kazakhstan, build data processing centers, create a National AI platform and develop fiber-optic communication line systems.

On the basis of the infrastructure of the Nur-Alem Museum, it is planned to open a National Alem.AI Center for cooperation between the state, science, business and international partners.

International cooperation with leading research centers, including the University of California at Berkeley, is actively developing.

A draft law "On Artificial Intelligence" has also been developed. During the Government meeting, the Minister of Digital Development presented a vision of the regulatory environment aimed at the safe, responsible and ethical use of the potential of artificial intelligence. The Ministry of Digital Development, together with the deputies of the Majilis, based on the best world practice, has developed the Draft Law "On Artificial Intelligence".

"The draft law provides for the adoption of ethical standards, state regulation, the legal regime for the functioning of AI objects, the classification of AI objects, measures of state support and standardization in the field of AI," Zhaslan Madiyev said during his report.

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