Kazakhstan launches large-scale modernization of transport infrastructure

At a government meeting, Vice Minister of Transport of Kazakhstan Maksat Kaliakparov announced the plans to modernize the transport network and fulfill the instructions of the President, El.kz reports.
The country is preparing for a significant increase in traffic volumes: export rail transportation will grow to 130 million tons, and road transit will grow six times. New routes, digital technologies are being introduced.
By 2027, 1.3 thousand km of railways will be built in Kazakhstan.
By 2029, 11 thousand km of railway sections will be repaired, of which 2.8 thousand km have already been restored. The throughput capacity of the ports will reach 30 million tons per year.
It is planned to update 12 thousand km of roads by 2027. Already in 2024, the reconstruction of 7 thousand km of roads, including four key road corridors, will be completed.
Until 2029, 36 checkpoints will be gradually updated, six of them will begin to be reconstructed in 2025.
These measures will allow Kazakhstan to strengthen its role in international logistics, increase export potential and improve the quality of transport infrastructure for all users.