Kazakhstan celebrates Day of Renewal

This day is dedicated to the symbolic renewal and greening of the country, El.kz reports.
As part of Nauryznam, on March 19, Kazakhstan celebrates Zhanaru kuni (Day of Renewal) , which symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in the life of the country and each of its residents. On this day, mass planting of trees will take place throughout the republic, reflecting the idea of renewing nature, society and ideas.
Traditionally, planting seedlings cover all regions of Kazakhstan.
In Almaty, it is planned to plant greenery in front of the Central State Museum, where veterans, schoolchildren and citizens will participate in the event.
In the Karaganda region, the teams of various institutions will also join the environmental movement: in Temirtau, the tree planting is organized by the team of the Saryzhailau Cinema, and the Stanislavsky Theater will host a charity show of the theatrical performance "Nauryz".
In Astana and other cities, youth flash mobs and public initiatives are planned, including planting trees in parks and squares.