

Kazakhstan and the European Union are working on further development of trade and economic cooperation

Kazakhstan and the European Union are working on further development of trade and economic cooperation
Фото: MFA 20.10.2023 15:27 3633

Conditions and opportunities for further strengthening business and humanitarian ties between Kazakhstan and the EU were discussed on Thursday by participants of the 38th meeting of the Berlin Eurasian Club (BEC).

The event titled “Further conditions developments for business and citizens within the framework of implementation of the EU-Kazakhstan Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA)” was held in the Belgian capital. It was attended by about 60 representatives of government agencies, business associations, enterprises, expert community and media from Kazakhstan, Germany and the EU.

Roman Vassilenko, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Joaquim Nunes de Almeida, Director for Energy Intensive Industries, Raw Materials, Hydrogen at DG GROW delivered their key messages. 

Roman Vassilenko noted the dynamic development of Kazakh-European trade and economic relations and investment cooperation. According to the results of 2022 trade turnover between Kazakhstan and EU countries exceeded 40 billion US dollars, which is 38.3% more than in 2021 ($29 billion). At the same time, investments from EU countries reached 12.5 billion US dollars.

At the same time, he emphasized a great potential for its further increase. This requires active joint work from both sides to improve the relevant conditions in various sectors of the economy.

The agreement covers 29 priority sectors of cooperation. Implementation of those priorities can bring a significant positive effect for the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EU in a variety of spheres. Agreement provide a solid legislative basis for improving business conditions. 

Roman Vassilenko emphasized that on the background of unprecedented geopolitical tensions in recent times, Kazakhstan and the European Union show strong political will to further enhance cooperation. According to Deputy Minister, the business community can be sure on full support at the political level from both sides and focus on the implementation of specific projects. Among the most promising areas of cooperation for the foreseeable future were energy, including "green" energy, rare earth metals and the development of transport and logistics links, including the development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (Middle Corridor).

Joachim Nunes de Almeida noted that “The Agreement increased our  relations to a new level and is a milestone in relations between the EU and the Republic of Kazakhstan”. He also noted that “He is very pleased to see a plan with concrete actions that has already existed and by this steps waiting for fruitful cooperation in many areas”. According to Joachim de Almeida, “diversification of mutual supplies, development of strategic partnerships with Kazakhstan are a key pillar of the EU strategy for critical raw materials”

The participants of the meeting discussed various aspects of these tasks at two panel discussions.

Issues of implementation of the provisions of the EPCA in the main areas of bilateral cooperation were discussed during the “EPCA as the basis for economic cooperation between Kazakhstan and the EU – the status and bottlenecks of cooperation and priorities for further implementation” session.

The event was also attended by Luc Devigne, Deputy Director General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) for Russia, Eastern Partnership, Central Asia, Regional Cooperation and OSCE, Laura Sadykova, Director of the Department of Industrial Policy of the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan, André Fritsche, Executive Director of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), Joachim Lang, Managing Partner of Strategic Minds Company GmbH.

The second discussion on "Bringing Business and People Together - Improving the Framework Conditions for Business and Humanitarian Contacts" focused on visa facilitation and tourism development as key factors in expanding bilateral ties.

EPCA provides for consideration of the possibility of negotiating an agreement on visa facilitation for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union. The experts discussed possible ways to implement these provisions and their effect on the activation of contacts between entrepreneurs and citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EU.

The discussion was attended by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Roman Vassilenko, Ambassador - Special Representative of the European Union for Central Asia Teri Hakala, Cabinet Member of the European Commissioner for Home Affairs Raul Hernandez Sagrera, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Belgium Anna Susarova, Chairman of the Board of Science Fund JSC Abdilda Shamenov. During the session it was noted that the formal consultations initiated this year between the EU and Kazakhstan on visa facilitation for Kazakhstanis should lead to concrete results in the short term, which will contribute to further comprehensive development of mutually beneficial cooperation.

The traditional meeting of BEC in the capital of the European Union was organized by the embassies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Germany and Belgium along with the Eastern Committee of the German Economy. It was moderated by Michael Harms, Managing Director of the Eastern German Business Association and Peter Tils, Chairman of the BEC Advisory Board.

The Berlin Eurasian Club was established in 2012 as an informal dialogue platform for prominent politicians, international experts, representatives of scientific and business circles Kazakhstan, Germany and other European countries. The BEC meets three times a year, alternately in Astana, Brussels and Berlin. The club's website was launched this year www.bel-klub.net. 

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