Kazakh scientists intend to create 1st mega-science project in Kazakhstan

On April 8, the International Workshop on the Creation and Use of Ultracold (UCN) and Very Cold Neutron Sources on the Basis of the WWR-K Research Reactor began.
The seminar is attended by 30 scientists and international experts from leading nuclear centers in South and North America, Europe and Asia, El.kz reports with reference to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The event is organized by the Institute of Nuclear Physics. Over the course of four days, the participants of the Workshop will exchange experiences, discuss ideas and problems of the development and use of UCN and OCHN sources in current and future experiments, as well as establish international cooperation with other organizations. The organizers of the event emphasize that the development of such neutron sources will allow Kazakhstan to become the center of world science in this field
The Director General of the Institute Sayabek Sakhiev opened the work of the International Seminar, noting that the institution has ambitious plans to create a mega-scientific project to achieve a high-intensity flux of ultracold neutrons.
Preliminary calculations of experts indicate that the UCN project, together with the highest-intensity neutron source in the world, can become the first mega-science facility in Kazakhstan.
At present, the WWR-K research reactor, located on the basis of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, is used for scientific work on the creation of a high-intensity source of UCN and OCN.
More than 20 leading scientists of the world have been designing a UCN source based on a research reactor for more than 2.5 years. The development of this neutron source may lead to the discovery of new physical phenomena in the future. The Workshop will run until April 11.