Kazakh schoolchildren become best astronomers at international Olympiad

Young astronomers from Kazakhstan took part in the second open international astronomy Olympiad "OWAO" and achieved remarkable results, El.kz reports.
The OWAO Olympiad is a new event that brings together the best astronomical traditions and outstanding experts from all over the world. This year, representatives from 14 countries participated in the competition.
The team from Kazakhstan demonstrated a high level of training, showing their knowledge and skills in the field of astronomy, which brought them significant success in the international arena.
During the four rounds of the International Astronomy Olympiad, the participants had to solve 97 problems. The organizers of the Olympiad assessed the ability of schoolchildren to work with astronomical maps, process astronomical data, as well as conduct analytical work and make forecasts. The goal of the experts was not only to test the level of knowledge of the participants, but also to provide them with new knowledge.
Many of the problems of the Olympiad were accompanied by links to scientific research, which the participants will be able to get acquainted with after the competition.
Almost 60 students from around the world took part in the Olympiad both in a face-to-face format at the Sirius Educational Center and in a distance format. As a result, 14 participants from Russia, Iran, Belarus and Kazakhstan were awarded gold medals. Silver and bronze medals were won by 11 and 9 participants, respectively.
The absolute winner of the Olympiad was the Russian schoolboy Dmitry Timofeev, who was able to score the maximum number of points in two rounds. Dmitry shared that he especially liked the practical tour, as he is fond of data processing and analysis. To send answers to the tasks, the testing system of the Sirius.Courses educational platform was used, where the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad are also held.