

Kazakh PM: We need to register all driving schools and bring order in operation of technical inspection centers

Kazakh PM: We need to register all driving schools and bring order in operation of technical inspection centers
Фото: primeminister.kz 30.07.2024 14:02 687

During the Government session, where the issues of safety on the roads of the country were considered, Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov focused attention on the poor quality of work of driving schools and technical inspection stations, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

In particular, it was noted that the reduction of requirements to driving schools had a negative impact on the quality of training and driving culture of drivers. At the same time, opening of training centers does not require licenses and permits. Many of them lack the necessary material base. Due to the exclusion of administrative responsibility for poor-quality training, the training process is often conducted formally.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs together with interested government agencies is instructed to take into account all driving schools, analyze international experience and, if necessary, revise approaches to driver training and obtaining a driver's license.

Olzhas Bektenov also noted that road safety is directly affected by the technical condition of vehicles. Every year there is a growth of the car fleet in the country, but at the same time technical inspections of cars are carried out poorly. Often this business works only on the principle of commercial profit.

"The issue of safety on the roads and safety of people's lives should always be more important than the commercial interest of individuals. It is time to bring order to the work of technical inspection centers. I charge the Ministry of Transport to develop a mechanism of effective control over the quality of technical inspection of vehicles," Prime Minister emphasized.

Olzhas Bektenov noted that the main task of the Government, relevant ministries and all authorized government agencies - to ensure safety on the roads, to reduce accidents and deaths. For this purpose, systematic measures will be developed on behalf of the Prime Minister.

To date, 950 operators of technical inspection work in Kazakhstan. For 6 months of this year 1.8 million vehicles passed technical inspection, more than 23 thousand of them were recognized as technically unsuitable. In order to eliminate the facts of fictitious technical inspection, a draft law has been developed, which provides for the deprivation of operators of the relevant permits for technical inspection and an increase in the fine from 10 monthly installments to 100 monthly installments

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