Astana hosted an extended meeting of Central Asian Scientific-Expert Council of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan on ethnic and social processes and ethno-cultural dialogue in the region. Leading experts shared their views, exchanged experiences and considered the prospects of cooperation of Central Asian countries.
As a result of the discussions, the participants of the meeting adopted a resolution, which noted that ensuring sustainable development, stability and prosperity of the Central Asian region is a common task, which is quite achievable through joint efforts. Upon adoption of the document, the experts shared their views on the importance of the conference.
Catherine Pujol, Regional Director of the French Institute for Central Asian studies IFEAC (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
I think it is a great idea to bring together all the experts from Central Asia and Europe in one place. The exchange of experience between the participants is an important point, as it gives an opportunity to get acquainted with new trends and what has been done over the years.
Igor Nagel, Project Coordinator of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Kazakhstan
There were many interesting reports, because I am involved in the subject of the coexistence of ethnicities on the territory of Kazakhstan. For me, this topic is directly interesting for the organization of future events. Many questions were well covered, for example, such topics as "Creation of averaged forms of language". It already exists, we can draw an analogy with the German language, where the use of dialect forms is prevalent in the south– all speak "Hochdeutsch", it can be said, the average form. I think this is a very successful event, the topics of which should be further developed.
Sherali Rizoen, Head of the Department of Internal Policy Analysis and Forecasting of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Candidate of Political Sciences
The meeting gave a very positive impression. I think that such events should be held on a permanent basis. This meeting allows us to study the experience of other states, primarily in order to establish a process of mutual understanding, mutual influence of culture. In general, work is necessary for the harmonious development of society. First of all, it is necessary to study each other, the experience of states. In the context of today's event, a very interesting, far-reaching message is provided, which can ultimately contribute to the development, strengthening the relationship between countries, including stability and security in Central Asian countries.
Shakhnoza Madayeva, Head of Philosophy and Logic Department of M. Ulugbek National University of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD, professor (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
It is a pleasant surprise that Scientific-Expert Council of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan works at a very high level on research and methodology. The issue of integration, youth, inter-regional rapprochement – these are the problems that await us in the future. How timely we will solve these issues in the right scientific way, the future of Central Asia depends on it.
Sherzod Pulatov, Chairman of ‘Uzbek ethnocultural center’, Astana
The event is organized on the very high international level. It was fortunate to the delegation of 5 people from neighbor Uzbekistan. In my opinion, all issues covered by the participants of the meeting are the most important and relevant for present. Great attention was put on the issues related to the youth, experience and opinions of the foreign experts in the given field will be the significant contribution in the youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Central Asian region and the world community in general.
Tatiana Dronzina, Professor of Political Science at St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University, coach-mediator of international class (Sofia, Bulgaria)
The meeting was held at a very high level. A large number of scientists, politicians and practitioners gathered in one place to exchange experiences and opinions.
Chu Young Min, PhD candidate of L. Gumilyov ENU (Seoul, South Korea)
For the first time I participate in the conference of the Scientific Expert Council of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. My thesis work is related to the APK. In this regard, my goal is to study and analyze the experience of Kazakhstan how a multi-ethnic and multicultural state finds a solution through this body (APK-approx.ed.). I want to say that the role of the meeting of the Central Asian Scientific and Expert Council is very important, because in order to come to a solution to a problem, it is first necessary to study and discuss it. In my opinion, looking at the holding of such an event, we can say that the state program gives good results. Such meetings are necessary for the exchange of experts’ views. I came to study in Kazakhstan in order to see how the process of culture formation takes place in the country through the establishment of inter-ethnic harmony. As you know, Korea used to be a mono-ethnic state. Today it is transformed into a multicultural society, so we need the experience of other countries, namely Kazakhstan. We have materials on the experience of countries such as America and Canada. But I think that the Kazakh model is special. We are confident that it will help us to transform into a multicultural society in the near future.
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