


02.11.2018 05:47 1384

National Museum of Kazakhstan holds an extended meeting of the Scientific Expert Council of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan with the participation of Secretary of state Gulshara Abdykalikova.

In her greeting speech Gulshara Abdykalikova emphasized the words of the Leader of the nation N.A. Nazarbayev: ‘At all times only a strong will to success and unity of the people deciding the fate of nations. Only through joint efforts we will be able to reach great heights’.


The Secretary of state noted the role of scientific and expert support of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan in the formation of a sense of ownership of each citizen of Kazakhstan to the processes of transformation, the need to project in the public consciousness of the unifying and creative potential of ‘Rukhani zhangyru’.

‘An important direction in the scientific and expert work should be the support of youth and the family institute within the year of youth, announced by the President.

Today, APK is 1155 ethnic and cultural associations, 39 friendship houses, about 3000 councils of public consent. There are 53 media in 15 languages.

Scientific and expert support of the Assembly is provided by the Scientific and Expert Council.

It includes 57 scientists and experts, 16 regional scientific and expert groups, 35 departments of the APK.

On behalf of the Head of state, the Ministry of education and science developed an interactive historical map ‘People of Kazakhstan’, posted on the APK’s portal.

Scientific and expert structures are involved in the implementation of the cultural and educational project of the APK ‘Kazaktanu’.

This year, lectures on this topic were held in Akmola, Kyzylorda and Kostanay regions, and for the western regions will be held in November in Atyrau region.

I also want to note that Center for the study of interethnic and interreligious relations of the Academy of public administration under the President conducted 10 studies, published 35 monographs and collective works, published more than 300 scientific articles.

Today we visited the exhibition following the results of the archaeological season of 2018 of East Kazakhstan and Karaganda regions, which presents unique exhibits. These findings contribute to the strengthening of their own national code, the popularization of sacred places.

Presentations of the Interdepartmental scientific and educational center of the APK al-Farabi KazNU, Department of APK, E. Buketov KSU clearly showed that the scientific infrastructure of the APK is systematically developing’, Secretary of state said.

Secretary of state listed a number of key tasks facing the Scientific and Expert Council of the APK.

‘First. One of the priorities should be the development of approaches to the formation of participation of each citizen of Kazakhstan in the processes of transformation in the country.

This is the task of our sociologists and political scientists.

It is necessary to project unifying and creative potential ‘Rukhani zhangyru’ into the public consciousness.

Second. Support of youth and family institute.

As you know 2019 has been declared the Year of youth by the President.

In this regard, Center for the study of interethnic and interreligious relations together with ‘Kogamdyk kelisim’ RSI should organize a competition of scientific works for young scientists on the theme of Kazakhstan's model of public consent and national unity.

Third. We need to take the scientific understanding of ethnodemographic and migration processes to a qualitatively new level.

Serious research on this topic with concrete and practical recommendations is needed.

The Center for the study of inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations should ensure that this work is well coordinated.

The priority here is the implementation of the Consolidated plan of scientific work in the socio-demographic and inter-ethnic spheres for 2018-2020.

Fourth. It is important to continue the project ‘Kazakhstan’.

In this regard, ‘Kogamdyk kelisim’ RSI is necessary to form a detailed Action Plan for 2019.

Fifth. Next year we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Scientific Expert Council of the APK.

I believe that within the framework of this event we could hold an international scientific conference.

In general, the main task of the Scientific and Expert Council of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan is scientific and expert support for the creation of a wide field of public consent and national unity as the most important factors of modernization’, G. Abdykalikova concluded.

The event is also attended by deputies of the Mazhilis, members of the Scientific and Expert Council of the APK, heads of scientific and expert groups and departments of the Assembly, public figures, experts, representatives of state bodies, scientific intelligentsia, ethno-cultural associations and the media.

Moderator of the meeting – Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, head of the Secretariat Leonid Prokopenko.

During the meeting, it is planned to discuss the plan of scientific works in the socio-demographic and interethnic spheres for 2019-2020, to consider the activities of the SEC, Center for research of socio-demographic development, the main results of the sociological study of 2018 in the field of interethnic relations, as well as the implementation of the projects of the APK ‘Kazaktanu’, ‘Sacred heritage of Uly dala Eli’.

As part of the extended meeting, exhibitions of the Museum of regional studies of East Kazakhstan region ‘Gold of the Lords of the Steppe", Archaeological Institute of Karaganda region ‘Bronze age of Saryarka’, as well as a number of presentations of new scientific materials in the framework of the project ‘Kazaktanu’, interdepartmental scientific and educational center of APK al-Farabi KazNU, Department of APK E. Buketov KSU.

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