Ion Curmei: Assembly of people of Kazakhstan is necessary for peace in the country

Ion Curmei, Chairman of the National Youth League of Moldova, Director of European Integration Institute in Moldova as a participant of International Forum of scientists and experts “Multiethnic society and modern state: development strategies” told his impressions on Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and future projects on cooperation with Kazakhstan.
Ion Curmei noted that there is also an institutional body as Assembly of people of Kazakhstan in Moldova, it is Interethnic Culture Centre. It performs the same functions as the Assembly does.
“I believe that Assembly of people of Kazakhstan is necessary for peace in the country and the regions. It ensures different ethnicities to integrate into culture of Kazakhstan more quickly. There are more than 50 ethnicities in Moldova, they are Russians, Bulgarians, Gagauzes, Ukrainians, Greek community and others. The centre works with all ethnicities so that they can preserve their culture, traditions and languages.
I assess the existence of such institutional body positively, as it helps to maintain peace and consent between different ethnic groups in one country.” Ion Curmei said
Being Chairman of the National Youth League of Moldova and Director of European Integration Institute of Moldova, Mr Curmei said that it is planned to make a common project with Kazakhstan for youth in the future, "Youth Forum of Moldova and Kazakhstan" – one of such planned projects.
“At this forum I met interesting people who were interested “Is there Kazakh diaspora in Moldova?" Indeed, we have people from Kazakhstan living in Moldova. After this event, I hope that we will interact more often.
Youth is the future of any country. If young people are united and work purposefully for the benefit and development of society and country, they will play a major role in the future of their native land.” Ion Curmei concluded.
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