International Automobile Common Grounds Expedition 2019: Arrival in Nur-Sultan

The participants of the International Automobile Common Grounds 2019 Expedition were met in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, which started on July 9, 2019 in Moscow.
The project was initiated by Korean Public Organizations of the Commonwealth of Independent States and runs along the route Moscow - Tashkent - Nur-Sultan - Ulan Bator - Pyongyang - Beijing - Seoul - Moscow.
The rally embodies the symbol of hope of the United Korea and is dedicated to the centennial anniversary of March 1st Movement.
The expedition team, consisting of representatives of the countries through which the route runs, as well as Germany, Italy and Brazil, toured the building of the capital's House of Friendship, were told about the activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
During the press conference the participants thanked for warm and hospitable hospitality in the capital, shared their impressions.
Ernest Kim, Chairman of the Organizing Committee and head of the project, said that the expedition was organized to strengthen the unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation and the development of international relations between Russia and Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, China, North Korea and the Republic of Korea. This project is of paramount importance for the establishment of friendly relations between the states of the Eurasian space, expansion of economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation.
Mr. Kim Dae-sik, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Kazakhstan, delivered a welcoming speech. He noted that the Common Grounds expedition is very important, as it is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of March First Independence Movement and establishment of the Korean Provisional Government.
"This is important for peace and prosperity not only for the Korean peninsula, but also for the entire Eurasian continent," the Ambassador said.
In addition, Mr. Kim Dae-sik emphasized the symbolism of the meeting in the building of the House of Friendship, which pursues the good goals of peace, harmony, friendly relations, relatable to the goals of the automobile expedition.
"Ethnic Koreans have overcome all the difficulties they faced. Many descendants of the heroes who fought and sacrificed their lives for the independence of their country live on the territory of Kazakhstan. Thanks to their hard work and diligence, they have reached enormous heights and serve as a bridge uniting representatives of the ethnic group in the countries of residence with the historical homeland," the speaker said.
In the course of the meeting the participants of the meeting were greeted by Yusup Keligov, Deputy Chairman of APK and Alexander Kim, Chairman of "Ethnocultural Association of Koreans in Nur-Sultan" NGO.
Deputy Chairman of Korean Ethno-cultural Center of the Capital Assembly Roza Pak expressed gratitude to all those who care about the organization of the meeting, in particular, to the ethno-cultural associations of Nur-Sultan, APK.
It should be noted that the team has already visited such cities of Kazakhstan as Atyrau, Zhezkazgan, Kyzylorda.
As the deputy chairman of the organizing committee of the expedition, "Edinstvo" newspaper editor-in-chief Alexander Shin said, they hope that the rally will be an impetus for negotiations between the North and South on the issue of passing through the entire Korean peninsula.
As part of the project, the team will take part in similar meetings with the public, visit memorial places, anniversary events, concert halls, exhibitions, Korean cultural centers on the route.
The event ended with a concert of creative groups of ethno-cultural centers of the capital's assembly.
Dana Tugambekova
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