Industry, logistics and agriculture: Olzhas Bektenov gets acquainted with Aktobe region's development

As part of his working trip to Aktobe region, Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov familiarised himself with the production capacities of a number of industrial enterprises, on the example of which he checked the effectiveness of measures to support domestic business and the progress of implementation of the tasks set by the Head of State in his Address, cites
In particular, attention was paid to the manufacturing industry, transport and logistics industry and agro-industrial complex.
Head of the Government familiarised himself with the production facilities of Aktobe Rail and Beam Plant. The enterprise produces up to 430 thousand tonnes of products per year: these are railway rails, a wide range of shaped rolled products, special profiles and others. The plant uses an innovative technology for heat-strengthening of rails, which ensures their high quality. The manufactured products are used in the construction of railway tracks in the country, as well as exported to Turkey, CIS countries, Estonia, Latvia.
Here was also reported on the development of industry in Aktobe region and the implementation of investment projects. In general, the volume of industry in the region for 8 months of this year increased by 6.9% to 1.7 trillion tenge; manufacturing industry grew by 15% to 699.2 billion tenge. The regional pool now includes 65 investment projects worth 3.9 trillion tenge in such industries as mining and metallurgy, construction, energy, oil and gas chemistry, etc. The launch of these projects will provide jobs. Their launch will provide jobs for more than 15 thousand people. Olzhas Bektenov noted that support for domestic enterprises is a priority task of the Government. Support measures will be provided, but at the same time we need results in the form of quality and affordable goods that affect import substitution.
During a visit to Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant Prime Minister inspected the production process. The plant with a design capacity of more than 740 thousand tonnes of products per year has a slag processing shop, mining and other auxiliary facilities. Ferrochrome, ferrosilicon and other alloys are used in the production of extra strong steel, iron alloying, as well as in other areas of metallurgy. The plant created 4,060 jobs. In order to further increase volumes, the capacity of smelting furnaces has been increased from 300,000 to 700,000 tonnes.
Olzhas Bektenov stressed the importance of introducing innovative technologies, which will not only improve the quality of high-end products, but also address industrial safety and environmental issues. On the instructions of the Head of State the domestic business is provided with the necessary support. In turn, the growth of production volumes of giant enterprises gives impetus to the development of related industries, the creation of new jobs, further improving the quality of life of people.
During the visit to the production sites of LLP "Akvatoriya-Aktobe" attention was paid to the measures on qualitative renewal of the sphere of housing and communal services. Here sewage-pumping stations, automated heating stations, modular boiler houses, energy and water supply metering systems are manufactured. The enterprise was given state support in the form of a soft loan through the Entrepreneurship Development Fund ‘Damu’, today about 100 specialists work here. Olzhas Bektenov outlined the need to further expand the range of goods produced with a focus on the needs of the market. It was noted that the Head of State instructed to solve priority infrastructure problems, in this regard, such domestic enterprises are especially important for the implementation of the Programme of Modernisation of Communal Infrastructure for 2025-2030.
The trade and logistics centre of Dina Market LLP was also visited in Aktobe. The enterprise was supported by the government in the form of subsidising the loan rate for over 1 billion tenge. 130 people have been provided with jobs. This is the first class A sales warehouse in the west of the country, equipped with all infrastructure. The facility has its own railway line used for loading and unloading of goods. The logistics centre has a capacity of 70,000 tonnes of cargo.
During the inspection of the TLC site the Head of the Government focused on further development of the logistics potential of the region taking into account the growing demand. It was noted that road transportations in the direction of China demonstrate annual growth of more than 2 times, container transportations have grown from 1 thousand TEU (twenty-foot equivalent) in 2011 to 1 million TEU in 2023.
"The Head of State in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan outlined a strategic priority for the development of the transport and logistics sector. We have realised ourselves as a transport hub in the centre of Eurasia, which provides flows in the directions "East-West" and "North-South". Joining international cargo flows, we need to ensure cargo processing on our territory. Appropriate terminal facilities should be created for this purpose. We need to intensify the expansion of existing trade and logistics complexes and launch new ones," Olzhas Bektenov stressed.
In Aktobe region Prime Minister familiarised himself with the development of agro-industrial complex of the region on the example of "Ais-plus" LLP. The enterprise has its own raw material base in the form of a dairy farm. Annually it produces over 40 thousand tonnes of dairy products, which are in demand in the region and beyond. More than 400 people work at the production.
Kuanysh Ishchanov, the head of Ais-Plus LLP, informed about plans to expand the farm by 1.6 thousand heads to increase the volume of own raw materials. For this purpose, the businessman plans to take advantage of state support in the form of a favourable loan.
"The transition to full self-sufficiency in domestic dairy products is the order of the President. For its realisation we have everything we need: raw materials, resources, personnel, technologies. The government actively supports and stimulates the launch of dairy farms.We subsidise investment, the purchase of breeding stock, the cheaper cost of milk production, as well as the cost of buying fodder.Such projects should solve two key issues at once - to provide the country with high-quality and inexpensive domestic products and to create year-round jobs for residents of rural areas," Prime Minister said.