How much Kazakhstan spends per year on environmental protection - statistics

The cost of environmental protection in Kazakhstan amounted to 444.5 billion tenge in 2022, reports with reference to the press service of the Bureau of National Statistics of the ASPR of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The cost of environmental protection continues to increase every year. In 2022, the volume of costs amounted to 444.5 billion tenge, which is 6.6% more than in 2021 (416.9 billion tenge). The highest costs for environmental protection are noted in the Atyrau region - 100.8 billion tenge, which is 22.6% of the total costs. They are followed by Karaganda (45.9 billion tenge), Aktobe (44.9 billion tenge) and Pavlodar (37.3 billion tenge) The lowest costs for environmental protection measures are noted in the Zhetisu region - 993.2 million tenge.
The largest share of expenditures by types of environmental activities falls on the protection of atmospheric air and the problems of climate change (127.9 billion tenge). The costs are also significant for wastewater treatment (113 billion tenge), waste management (107 billion tenge) and other areas of environmental protection (64.7 billion tenge). More than 92.7% of the cost of environmental protection falls on the industry (272.3 billion tenge).
The main source of financing the costs of environmental protection remains the own funds of enterprises, amounting to 354.2 billion tenge. The republican budget accounts for 5.1 billion tenge, and for local budgets - 6.3 billion tenge.