

How much do aviation and railway companies earn in Kazakhstan over year

How much do aviation and railway companies earn in Kazakhstan over year
Фото: El.kz 15.01.2024 16:31 1052

Aviation and railway companies in Kazakhstan have increased revenues from passenger transportation, El.kz reports with reference to the telegram channel of DataHub_FCBK.

According to the results of 12 months of 2023, railway enterprises earned about 119.5 billion tenge as a result of their activities, and enterprises in the field of air transport - 731.9 billion tenge. Annual growth in the first case was 22%, in the second - 24%, according to the data of the BNS of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

It should be noted that over the past year, the services of companies have risen in price. Prices for services in the railway sector for consumers increased by 18.2%, in the aviation sector - by 19%. Taking into account these factors, the physical volume of income from passenger transportation for railway workers increased by 4%, and air transport by 5%.

The number of customers in both cases also increased, but the growth rates were significantly different. Rail transport carried more than 19.8 million passengers for the year, an increase of 2.1% compared to the previous year, while air transport carried 13.3 million, showing an impressive increase of 20.7%.

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