According to the instructions of the Head of State, in 2023, the Ministry has begun the implementation of the following main tasks for the digitalization of the education system, reports.
Introduction of the Unified Database of Accounting, Priority and Issuance of Referrals to Preschool Organizations, which will allow implementing the principle of "money for the child", monitoring and control at the central level to eliminate duplication, ensure transparency in the distribution of places in the queue and save budget funds.
Second: Launch of a system of identification cards for students, providing access to educational materials, access to the school building and payment for meals. This will allow parents to manage and control the spending of funds by their children online, keep the necessary records in schools and, most importantly, create convenience and safe conditions for schoolchildren.
Third: Introduction of innovative ways of teaching disciplines, digitization of necessary educational materials to improve the quality of learning, academic performance and interest of children in learning, ensuring access to digital educational content in all subjects.
Fourth: Transfer to a proactive format 10 public services for queuing for kindergarten, receiving preferential meals, transportation and recreation for children, providing a dormitory and services for children with disabilities. These measures will give citizens the right to use the services they are entitled to in the field of education and the protection of children's rights without submitting an application.
Fifth: Providing schools with high-quality and high-speed Internet. To do this, measures will be taken to collect data on the speed of the Internet in a digital communication control card, develop requirements for building a local and wireless network in schools, send information to the authorized body about rural schools where a fiber-optic communication line is required
Sixth: Introduction of the Unified Electronic Register of Educational Programs Implemented in Technical and Vocational Education Organizations for the Examination and Formation of Educational Programs in Digital Format, Guaranteeing the Compliance of Their Content with the Needs of Employers and Quality Confirmation.