Government approves draft National Action Plan for implementation of President's Address

At the Government session of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered a draft of the National Action Plan for the implementation of the Address of the Head of State "Fair Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, social optimism" to the people of Kazakhstan from 2 September this year, cites
The document was presented by Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of National Economy Nurlan Baibazarov. The plan consists of 76 measures aimed at improving the sustainability of the economy and the welfare of citizens.
In fulfilment of the Head of State's instructions, measures to improve the accessibility and quality of education, health care and sports, including issues of reforming financing are envisaged. To this end, the use of PPP mechanism, the "social purse" tool, differentiation of educational grants, etc. is being considered. Particular attention is paid to the model of differentiated approach to financing pre-school education and training within the framework of the state order on the principle of ‘money for the child’.
Separate measures are envisaged for the Year of Working Professions next year
In the sphere of industry, major projects will be implemented, taking into account the maximum use of domestic raw materials and components, the establishment of related industries around systemically important enterprises, etc. The Government will also focus on improving the quality of production in the industrial sector. Improvement of tax policy, management of state-owned enterprises, and work on amendments to legislation on asset recovery are also important tasks. Separate measures will be taken in the agro-industrial complex and the implementation of the Auyl Amanaty project.
The Plan also includes the solution of infrastructure issues in the energy sector and public utilities, approval in the next 3 years of regulated tariffs for railway transport of goods to the level of profitability, ensuring water security, introduction of AI and other directions of the Address.
Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov noted that the draft of the National Action Plan under consideration is aimed at a qualitative and prompt solution of the tasks set by the Head of State.
"The main task is to effectively and timely fulfil the activities of the Plan.The Government and akimats will take active measures to ensure sustainable economic growth and improve the social well-being of citizens. It is necessary to ensure timely development of bills specified in the Plan, to involve experts in this work, to conduct in-depth analysis and discussion," Olzhas Bektenov noted.
Head of the Government instructed to work out the issues of financing. It is necessary to refuse unnecessary spending. Budget funds should be allocated only for priority and strategic purposes.
After consideration of the issue a vote was held, as a result of which the draft of the National Plan was unanimously supported. The Ministry of National Economy together with the Government Apparatus has been instructed to submit to the Presidential Administration a draft of the relevant Decree of the Head of State.
Deputy Prime Ministers have been instructed to ensure control and coordination of the implementation of the items of the Plan according to the fixation.