

Germany and Kazakhstan – partners in building sustainable agriculture

Germany and Kazakhstan – partners in building sustainable agriculture
26.10.2018 07:59 1611

October 26, a conference on the theme "Germany and Kazakhstan – partners in building a sustainable agriculture" was held in Astana, organized by the Representative Office of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Kazakhstan in cooperation with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kazakhstan.

During the conference, experts from Germany and Kazakhstan presented reports on topics: "Improving competitiveness in the agricultural sector", "Sustainable agriculture, precision agriculture and digitalization", "Livestock and food production, logistics and marketing", "Research and training".

The aim of the seminar is to contribute in building sustainable agriculture in Kazakhstan through the exchange of experience between Germany and Kazakhstan.

Thomas Helm, resident representative of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Kazakhstan noted that Kazakhstan has a great potential for the Germans in the field of cattle breeding.

Jonathan Weinberg, permanent Deputy Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Kazakhstan noted that the German party is considering cooperation between two countries in the field of agriculture.

 "Last year we had the honour to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Germany. German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier arrived in Astana last year due to holding EXPO, a number of meetings were held, which testifies to the depth of our relations, built in such a short time.

We act on the basis of exchange, the amount of our investments amounted to more than 4 billion euros, next year we want to double this figure.  From our point of view, the German-Kazakh agricultural and agrarian cooperation at the bilateral level is a very successful example. There are three characteristic features: this cooperation is represented in various spheres. If you look at the trade statistics, not taking into account the oil and gas sector, Germany occupies the top places. Very important work of the German agricultural centre in Chaglinka, after a successful phase of support showed great interest in joint projects. It should be emphasized that the agricultural sector plays an important role, it has been repeatedly emphasized in the relevant State of the Nation Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev. He said that agriculture was a priority. The second characteristic is a very broad spectrum of interaction. We have certain topics that have been worked out for a long time, for example, digitalization and dual education, which cover all topics. These topics play a very important role in the agricultural sector. As a third feature, I would like to emphasize the special Kazakh-German relations. We have a special close relationship. Since there are many ethnic Germans here in Kazakhstan who work in agriculture. The role of the Public Fund Wiedergeburt, Mr. Albert Rau, make a great contribution to the friendly relations between Kazakhstan and Germany", — Mr. Weinberg said.

"The head of state in his State of the Nation Address puts the priority of agriculture, science, exchange of experience at a very high level. There is a correct and effective transfer of knowledge, technology and experience. One of the main issues of agriculture is the issue of dissemination of knowledge. German agricultural center, which is located in Chaglinka for several years shows good results. More than 300 seminars were held, 6 thousand people were trained. This is a very tangible result of our cooperation. Using this experience, we decided to move forward. Since this year, we are opening regional centers, expanded agricultural park with all technologies. We use all this potential to transfer knowledge to our farmers to increase their productivity", — Chairman of "National agricultural research and education centre" Ulan Tazhibayev said.   

Mazhilis Deputy Albert Rau emphasized that the Germans of Kazakhstan are mainly represented in the agricultural sector.

"I believe that the forum will provide opportunities for our agricultural business in terms of technology transfer. In Germany, each field is digitized and each gram of the fertiliser is working effectively," – Deputy said.

A Memorandum of Cooperation with Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG), a German agricultural society founded in 1885, was signed within the framework of the forum.


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