Festival of student theater in genre of musical held in Atyrau

As part of the celebration of the 220th anniversary of Makhambet Otemisuly, a student theater festival in the genre of a musical called "Beibit Kunnin Batyrlary" was held in Atyrau for the first time, El.kz reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The event, organized by the Atyrau University of Oil and Gas named after S. Utebayev, was attended by high school students, students of colleges and universities of the Atyrau region, as well as theater groups of nine educational institutions.
"Makhambet is a famous batyr, an ardent fighter for freedom and equality of the Kazakh people, one of the prominent representatives of Kazakh poetry of the first half of the XIX century.
According to the organizers of the festival, the purpose of the event is to popularize representatives of those professions who in peacetime showed valor and bravery in everyday service. It can be like police officers, doctors, rescuers and others," the ministry said.