Domestic tourists amounted to 3.4 mln people in Kazakhstan

Minister of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerbol Myrzabossynov dedicated to the World Tourism Day, news agency reports with reference to the press service of the ministry .
Yerbol Myrzabosynov noted the country's successes in the field of tourism for the current year.
"The tourism industry is becoming an important driver of the country's economic growth. In June this year, the Head of State held an extended meeting on tourism, at which specific tasks were announced, such as providing tourist facilities with the necessary infrastructure, updating the fleet of passenger cars, increasing air routes and creating new tourist zones.
This year we have made significant progress in the field of tourism. In particular, according to the results of the first half of 2024, the number of domestic tourists increased by 350 thousand and amounted to 3.4 million people. The number of foreign tourists increased by 50 thousand and reached 566 thousand people," the minister said.
The head of the department also noted that the tourism potential of Kazakhstan is successfully promoted in the international arena. According to such authoritative publications as Conde Nast Traveller, Kazakhstan has taken a leading position among the world's tourist destinations. This year, within the framework of the Year of Tourism of Kazakhstan in China, more than 20 large-scale events were organized, covering the largest cities of the Celestial Empire.
Particular attention should be paid to the World Nomad Games, which have become a landmark event for strengthening the country's tourist image. More than 250 thousand people visited the ethnic village and took part in the events. The country has seen a significant increase in tourist activity. Kazakhstan took 52nd place in the updated ranking of the World Economic Forum's Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024 (TTDI).
Yerbol Myrzabosynov spoke about Kazakhstan's successes in the field of tourism for the current year