Development of foreign language education discussed at university in Karaganda

On the basis of the Karaganda University named after E. Buketov, the last international scientific and practical conference "Prospects and new trends in the development of foreign language education" was held, reports with reference to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami (Uzbekistan) A.M. Mamadaliyev expressed gratitude to colleagues from the Karaganda University named after Buketov for their contribution to the creation of a joint educational program that allows students to receive a double-degree education.
"Nizami State Pedagogical University, with its 90-year history, has not yet had a joint educational program with the university, which is included in the ranking of the best educational institutions in the world. But thanks to our colleagues from Karaganda Buketov University, we have created a program for obtaining a double-degree education. This makes it possible to maintain intercultural communication, contributes to the rapprochement of cultures and nations, and unites the scientific intelligentsia of the two republics," he said.
Over 120 scientific reports from Kazakhstani and foreign universities, such as Atatürk University (Turkey), University College London (Great Britain), The University of Lille (France), Francisk Skorina Gomel State University (Belarus), Tambov State Technical University (Russia), etc., were submitted to the conference.
Holding a scientific conference is always an important event in the academic environment, which makes a certain contribution to the process of scientific research and creates a platform for the exchange of views between scientists from different regions of the country and abroad.