

Deputy PM of Kazakhstan learns about business initiatives within Auyl Amanaty program

Deputy PM of Kazakhstan learns about business initiatives within Auyl Amanaty program
Фото: primeminister.kz 05.08.2024 13:05 481

As part of a working trip to Zhambyl region, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tamara Duisenova visited Moyinkum, Shu and Merken districts and checked the progress of the program "Auyl Amanaty", El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

Moyinkum district, located about 300 km from Taraz, is characterized by harsh climate and the desert of the same name located on the territory. But even here there is an opportunity to develop livestock farming. For example, in the village of Birlik a cooperative "Baibarak-Agro" has been created, in which more than 30 local residents are members. Under the program "Auyl Amanaty" the farm has purchased about 20 units of agricultural machinery for 35.8 million tenge. Fodder for cattle and small horned cattle is prepared on the area of 400 hectares. Camels are also bred, but so far they are limited to production of meat and shubat.

Having familiarized with the activities of the agricultural cooperative, Deputy Prime Minister Tamara Duisenova informed the villagers about the mechanisms of commodity crediting.

"It is impossible to purchase a large herd of camels with the help of microcredit only. Therefore, it is important to use the mechanism of commodity lending in the agro-industrial complex. There are many examples of successful application of this practice in the country. In Zhambyl region it is proposed to introduce an insurance mechanism. I believe that it is beneficial for all parties," the Deputy Prime Minister said.

Entrepreneurs from other regions are ready to share their experience in this area with Zhambyl farmers. In particular, in LLP "Daulet-Beket" from Almaty region have bred 5 thousand camels and are now engaged in deep processing of products.

"It is necessary to make maximum efforts for camel breeding development. If the cooperative expresses a desire, we are ready to provide 100 camels and give necessary consultations on their keeping. Or we can help build a small camel milk processing plant here," Sydyk Dauletov, the owner of the agricultural enterprise, suggested.

In Shu district, Deputy Prime Minister familiarized herself with the production direction of rural business development. Nurzat Koshkarbayev, a resident of Birlikustem village, has been producing about 1 thousand pieces of sandblock per day for several years. Taking advantage of the state program, the entrepreneur took out a loan of 8.6 million tenge and doubled his production capacity.

"Now I can produce up to 2 thousand pieces of sandblock per day. Two employees worked before, and now I have increased the number of jobs to eight. The demand for products is high. Besides Shu itself, many orders come from Moyinkum, Merken and Korday districts," the villager said.

The Zhexenbiyevs from Koragaty village opened a sewing shop. They bought the necessary equipment and sew and supply bed linens for local kindergartens. The entrepreneurs also intend to expand their business, but there are difficulties in finding qualified seamstresses. The local akimat solves this issue through education and training of female villagers in the career center.

Deputy Prime Minister positively assessed the projects and noted that all of them are an example of how you can productively use the mechanisms of the state program and improve life in rural areas.

"Now we are implementing the program "Kүmis jas". In addition, there is a mechanism of social jobs subsidized by the state. A youth internship project should also be considered. In general, there are a number of support measures aimed at improving the lives of rural residents. It is necessary to widely publicize them," Tamara Duisenova noted.

In Zhambyl region within the framework of the project "Auyl Amanaty" local residents are also trained in agricultural skills. This direction is mainly focused on the participants of the project "Karyzsyz qogam". Thus, in Merken district on the initiative of the party AMANAT opened the Agrosauat Agribusiness Training Center. Here are organized free theoretical and practical courses on crop production, poultry farming and animal husbandry.

Secretary of AMANAT Eldar Zhumagaziyev emphasized the importance of this work to increase the income of villagers. In turn, Tamara Duisenova highly appreciated the initiative, noting the need to consider the possibility of its further scaling up.

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