

Days of India are held in Kazakhstan

Days of India are held in Kazakhstan
15.08.2019 11:58 2615

NUR-SULTAN – The Embassy of India in the Republic of Kazakhstan held a solemn flag hoisting ceremony on the occasion of the 73rd Independence Day in India. 

Days of India are held in Kazakhstan

Every year on August 15, Indian people celebrate one of the three national holidays - Independence Day. This day commemorates the nation’s independence from the United Kingdom.  

Days of India are held in Kazakhstan

The flag hoisting tradition is held throughout the country on 15th August and is followed by a cultural program. 

Days of India are held in Kazakhstan

The celebration took place at the Ambassador's residence, where Mr. Prabhat Kumar greeted guests in a solemn atmosphere. 

Days of India are held in Kazakhstan

After the flag hoisting ceremony and singing the national anthem, the Ambassador congratulated the Indian community on the occasion of the national holiday and expressed gratitude to everyone who attended the event. 

Days of India are held in Kazakhstan

Mr. Prabhat Kumar also read out the Address to the Nation of President of India for the 73rd Independence Day, which is a traditional ritual. 

Days of India are held in Kazakhstan

In particular, the overcoming of difficulties and obstacles by Indian people on the way to independence and significant moments in the history of the country were mentioned in the Address. 

Days of India are held in Kazakhstan

This year marks important events for the Indian people, the 150th Birth Anniversary of "Father of the Nation", the great fighter for freedom Mahatma Gandhi and the 550th Birth Anniversary of the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak. The Address stated that the ideas of the Leader of the Indian people are always relevant, as the Government is always guided by the philosophy of Gandhi when implementing welfare programs.

Days of India are held in Kazakhstan

It is worth noting that the Embassy of India in Kazakhstan is organizing ‘Days of India in Nur Sultan’ from 15 to 19 August 2019. During this period, a number of events will be organized, including a festival of Indian cinema and national cuisine. Residents of the capital will be able to learn more about the cultural traditions of India and attend master classes on Yoga, Music and Dance. 

Days of India are held in Kazakhstan



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