

Crime rate decreased by 11% in Kazakhstan

Crime rate decreased by 11% in Kazakhstan
Фото: polisia.kz 10.01.2024 16:47 2261

In Kazakhstan, there is a decrease in the crime rate by 11% - from 157,473 to 140,272 cases. These data were published by the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the Prosecutor General's Office, El.kz reports.

The reduction have occurred in different categories: by 14.9 per cent (from 44,106 to 37,548) - serious crimes, by 12.6 per cent (from 67,340 to 58,874) - crimes of medium gravity and by 4 per cent (from 22,741 to 21,826) - crimes of minor gravity. However, cases of particularly serious crimes increased by 15.7% (from 2,241 to 2,593).

Prosecutors terminated unfounded criminal prosecution against 254 persons, and 824 people were released from office premises (449) and temporary detention facilities (375). The number of violations of the constitutional rights of citizens in criminal proceedings decreased by 22.7% (from 578 to 447). The court acquitted 97 people.

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