

Courses for young people from Influencers to appear on Skills Enbek platform

Courses for young people from Influencers to appear on Skills Enbek platform
Фото: El.kz/Marina Ruzmatova /ChatGPT 03.10.2024 16:16 39

Workforce Development Center has announced a new partnership with the Influencers platform,El.kz reports.

As a result of this collaboration, videos and tutorials created by Influencers will be made available to Skills Enbek users. At the moment, you can already take financial literacy courses developed by Influencers experts on the platform.

The partnership aims to expand educational opportunities, in particular for young people, with courses that will promote personal and professional development. About 40% of the platform's users are young people, for whom the quality and variety of educational programs are important.

Since its launch, 608 courses have been posted on the Skills Enbek platform, of which 276 are available free of charge. The platform has attracted more than 474 thousand users, and more than 390 thousand have successfully completed training and received certificates.

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