

Challenge for Day of National Clothes launched in Astana

Challenge for Day of National Clothes launched in Astana
Фото: official website of the Astana city akimat 18.03.2024 17:22 2419

Within the framework of the decade of Nauryznama on March 18, in honor of the Day of National Clothing, the Department of Youth Policy of Astana, together with youth organizations of the capital, launched a challenge to popularize the national clothes of the people of Kazakhstan, El.kz reports citing the official website of the city akimat.

Kazakh national clothes are the culture and history of the people, their traditions and way of life. As a bright "indicator" of national affiliation, it helps to preserve the cultural and spiritual heritage of the past.

Over 10 youth organizations of the city took part in the video challenge.

The capital's youth offered to continue the challenge to residents of other regions of Kazakhstan.

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