Build support system for domestic producers: Olzhas Bektenov on procurement of Samruk-Kazyna JSC and Modernisation of Rural Health Care National Project

The progress of the National Project "Modernisation of Rural Health Care" was considered at the Government session chaired by Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov, cites
Minister of Healthcare Akmaral Alnazarova noted that the national project provides for the construction of 655 new primary health care facilities (health posts, dispensaries, outpatient clinics), modernisation of 32 multi-disciplinary central district hospitals, as well as training of 1,100 health workers for rural health facilities.
To date, the construction of 92 primary health care facilities has been completed, work continues on 7 medical centres, and 556 more facilities are planned to be put into operation by the end of the year. Necessary procedures and processes are underway in other areas of the national project.
As Prime Minister noted, currently there is a delay in the expertise of projects. In addition, in the region of Ulytau and Kostanay region the terms of construction of objects are shifted.
Comments on these issues were made by the Minister of Industry and Construction Kanat Sharlapayev, as well as Akims of the regions Berik Abdygaliuly and Kumar Aksakalov.
Olzhas Bektenov stressed that the issue of implementation of the national project "Modernisation of Rural Health Care" has been repeatedly considered in the Government, but there are no real positive results yet.
"Last year it was planned to build 309 objects. However, the preparation of documentation was delayed. The Ministry of Health weakened control. Akimats changed the location of facilities, delayed with plots and the start of construction. The issues of design documentation and expertise were delayed. Therefore, the deadlines for the start of construction of medical facilities in rural areas were missed," Prime Minister said.
According to him, last year akimats had to ensure the binding of standard projects to the terrain, but this work has not been completed. In general, for the current year only 239 objects are ready for design documentation, of which only 109 contractors have been identified. For the rest the issue is still open.
"Construction work should start as early as March-April. The Ministry of Health delays submitting budget requests for their financing. Akimats are also in no hurry to decide on co-financing. Work on capital repair and reconstruction of multi-disciplinary central district hospitals has not yet started. Nor is equipment for them being purchased. And these procedures take a long time," the head of the Government pointed out.
At the same time, Olzhas Bektenov emphasised the need to attract domestic manufacturers to supply furniture and building materials for the national project. In particular, the fund "Samruk-Kazyna" and its subsidiary organisations should actively purchase domestic goods, services and support Kazakhstan commodity producer.
"Only last week the head of the Association of Light Industry Saltanat Abdikarimova criticised the policy on procurement of goods by the fund "Samruk-Kazyna", complained about non-transparency of tenders. I support the opinion of entrepreneurs. We must radically reverse the situation and build a system of support for domestic producers," Prime Minister emphasised.
He added that to improve the situation on the national project it is necessary to significantly intensify the work: to manually accompany each object, starting from the stage of preparation of documentation, financing and up to its timely delivery. It is also important to control the equipment and staffing.
Head of the Government instructed regional akimats together with the Ministry of Industry and Construction to complete a comprehensive non-departmental expertise of projects by 1 April.
"The Ministry of Healthcare and akimats to complete construction and commissioning of all facilities this year exactly on time," Olzhas Bektenov concluded.