

Armenian experts: “Kazakhstan has great potential for achieving ambitious goals”

Armenian experts: “Kazakhstan has great potential for achieving ambitious goals”
Фото: MFA 08.09.2023 19:00 849

A briefing was held in the capital of Armenia on the State-of-the-Nation Address “Economic Course of a Just Kazakhstan” of the President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, El.kz cites MFA.

The event, organized for representatives of the diplomatic corps, political, business, expert circles and the media, was attended by, among others, the Deputy Head of the UNDP Representative Office in Armenia, management and experts of analytical centers and institutes “Alternative”, “Integration and Development”, “Center for Political and economic strategic research”, “Analytical Center for Globalization and Cooperation” and others.

During the briefing, Ambassador Bolat Imanbaev conveyed to the participants the main content of the Address, as well as the tasks assigned to the Government of the country. For their part, the meeting participants noted the scale and systematic approach of the Head of State in implementing the new economic course. Commenting on the Address, Chairman of the research and analytical organization “Integration and Development” Aram Safaryan emphasized that “the emphasis on the short-term nature of the tasks set in the Address demonstrates the authorities’ deep understanding of the state of the country’s economy, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the implementation of the plans. The ambitious goal of doubling the volume of the national economy by 2029 is a serious signal for the development of the entire Eurasian space.”

“Kazakhstan demonstrates the stability of the internal political situation and further economic growth. The initiatives of the President of Kazakhstan to accelerate the development of the economy, the emphasis on improving the social well-being of citizens is a consistent step in building a “Just Kazakhstan,” noted Alexander Iskandaryan, director of the Caucasus Institute. The ex-deputy, well-known political observer of the Kentron TV public channel Arman Abovyan drew the attention of the participants to the decision of the Head of State to hold a referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan: “There is a clear message in the Address of the President of Kazakhstan that decisions on important strategic issues related to the countries should be accepted by the people through a referendum, which is also relevant for Armenia.”

At the end of the event, the participants unanimously came to the conclusion that “the initiatives of the President of Kazakhstan are rightfully the engine for the further development of the country’s economy and the well-being of society and correspond to modern global trends”.

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