Alatau city in Almaty region to become Kazakhstan new business card

Issues of realization of the project of construction of Alatau city (G4 City) in Almaty region between Almaty and Konayev were discussed at the meeting in the Government under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov, cites
With the participation of heads of central government agencies and Akimat of the region, approaches to the development of the city were considered. According to the plan, it should become a point for attracting domestic and foreign investments, an international business hub operating according to high world standards. The experience of creating such famous centers of the world as Dubai, Singapore, Tianjin, etc. will be taken as a basis.
In particular, the development of Alatau city will allow to increase the level of trade and investment interaction with China and Central Asian countries, launch a number of new production and commercial projects, introduce best practices in various spheres and industries. To this end, conditions and incentives will be provided for attracting investments and conducting business activities. This includes tax and customs preferences.
The possibility of introducing a special legal regime, including the right of the International Financial Center "Astana" on the territory of Alatau city will also be considered.
Prime Minister emphasized that during the implementation it is necessary to take into account international experience and use such support measures, which have shown the greatest effectiveness.
In addition, there is a need to intensify the construction of the required infrastructure in cooperation with business, in particular, through the mechanism of public-private partnership.