

Akim of Turkestan Region told President about socioeconomic development of region in 2023

Akim of Turkestan Region told President about socioeconomic development of region in 2023
Фото: Akorda 16.01.2024 16:48 2045

The Head of State received Akim of the Turkestan region Darkhan Satybaldy, El.kz reports citing Akorda.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev heard the report of the Akim of the Turkestan region Darkhan Satybaldy on the socio-economic development of the region for 2023.

The President was informed that at the end of last year, there was a positive trend in the main macroeconomic indicators in the region. In particular, the volume of industrial production in the region increased by 2.5% and exceeded 1 trillion tenge. In order to develop the manufacturing industry, 20 planned projects were launched for a total of 30.2 billion tenge with the creation of 594 new jobs.

The akim said that in the next five years it is planned to increase the region's own revenues by 100 billion tenge. According to preliminary calculations, the volume of gross regional product last year amounted to 3.8 trillion tenge, the volume of agricultural production - 1.1 trillion tenge. According to these indicators, the Turkestan region is the leader in the country. As a result of the diversification of the industry, a record harvest was - 3.3 million tons of vegetable and garden products.

In accordance with the instructions of the Head of State, new approaches to agriculture and water-saving technologies are being introduced to increase crop yields and save water.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was informed about the development of SMEs in the region.

According to Darkhan Satybaldy, the number of business entities reached 211 thousand, products worth 1.6 trillion tenge were produced. The volume of construction work amounted to 407.5 billion tenge, 898.9 thousand square meters of housing were commissioned. About three thousand families received new apartments. In addition, last year, 35 schools were built at the expense of budget funds, of which 20 were commissioned.

Within the framework of the "Comfortable School" project, 63 schools will be built in the region, designed for 49 thousand students, in three years.

The President was also briefed on the ongoing work on water and gas supply to the villages of the region. Last year, new water pipelines were brought to 20 settlements in the region, dilapidated systems in nine villages were updated. The construction of 62 gas facilities was also completed, in addition to gas, 48 settlements were connected to gas.

At the end of the meeting, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev instructed the akim to systematically and qualitatively implement measures to improve the well-being of residents and improve the economic situation in the region. The task was set to continue work to ensure the dynamic development of the Turkestan region.

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