

A meeting of the Board of the North Kazakhstan regional people's Assembly of Kazakhstan

A meeting of the Board of the North Kazakhstan regional people's Assembly of Kazakhstan
23.01.2018 09:43 1400

In the House of friendship of the city of meeting of the Council of the North-Kazakhstan Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. The participants of the meeting: Deputy Governor of North Kazakhstan region Ahmet Madiyar At the members of the Board of the North Kazakhstan regional people's Assembly of Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of the structural subdivisions of the North Kazakhstan regional people's Assembly of Kazakhstan, the public.

This year began a new stage of development of the country and of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. Today is the public discussion of President's address to people of Kazakhstan "New possibilities of development in the context of the Fourth industrial revolution". Guided by the ideas of "Mangilik El" and "Ruhani zhangiru" etnoculture enterprises of the North Kazakhstan regional Assembley of people of Kazakhstan supported the proposal of the President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev, revealing new opportunities for development of Kazakhstan through the implementation of digital innovative technologies.

Today NKR APK has already done a lot of work. Continued institutional strengthening of the APK, operates 203 ethno-cultural associations, staffed by 2476 people. This year they have held more than 2,000 events, which were attended by over 250 thousand people.

During the meeting were summed up in North Kazakhstan Assembly of people of Kazakhstan in 2017, questions about the tasks for the year 2018, about the Center of peace and harmony at KGU "Regional special (correctional) boarding school for children with impaired hearing", the activities of the public Association "Russian community of the North-Kazakhstan region" about organizational questions of work of the regional Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, on amendments to the Board of the North Kazakhstan regional people's Assembly of Kazakhstan and about the statement of structure of Council of the North Kazakhstan oblast of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan.

On the first issue was made head of the Secretariat of the APK NKR nail Salimov. Today in the region there are 113 Tips include 872 people who reviewed 180 social problems of the population. Our regional Council is recognised as one of the Republican Council of public consent in the country. Summed up the results of the regional Assembly nail kamilevich not only structural units but also spoke about upcoming projects in the framework of "Spiritual Perfection" in 2018.

On other issues, Chairpersons of ethno-cultural associations and members of the structural units of the standard deviation of the NKR APK.

After completing the presentations, Madiyar At, remarked: "Today a large role in the solution of national problems, formirovanii at young generation of feeling of patriotism, unity of people of Kazakhstan played by ethno-cultural associations. Our success is the result of the work of all members of the North Kazakhstan people's Assembly of Kazakhstan. This coordinated work of all structures of the North Kazakhstan regional people's Assembly of Kazakhstan".

One of the most significant events of the event was the presentation of the badge "Zhomart Jean" the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan for contribution to the development of philanthropic and charitable activities of the Chairman of the public Association "Tajik community "Somoniyon North" North Kazakhstan region" Amirshoeva Anwarshah Gayratovich.

For many years the members of the Tajik community to help low-income families, orphanages and boarding schools annually treat residents on holidays of their national cuisine. 
During the meeting, the Secretariat of the regional Assembly made recommendations and designed the Protocol of the meeting.

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