734 thousand Kazakhstanis covered by employment measures this year, one-half of them youths

Measures to ensure employment of the population were considered at the Government session chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov.
Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population Svetlana Zhakupova reported that in pursuance of the instructions of the Head of State since the beginning of this year Akims of all regions have approved specific measures to ensure employment within the framework of national projects, the initiative "100 new jobs for every 10 thousand population", state-subsidized jobs, vacancies provided by employers and labor mobility programs.
For example, more than 45,000 new jobs have been created under the national projects "Strong Regions - Driver of the Country's Development", on the development of entrepreneurship and agro-industrial complex for 2021-2025, etc. 45% of employed citizens are young people. About 2,000 persons with disabilities are also employed.
More than 228 thousand people are provided with jobs through vacancies placed at the labor exchange. Of these, 62% are employed in agriculture and fisheries, construction and manufacturing, education, health care and social services. 46% of citizens sent for permanent employment are young people.
More than 278 thousand citizens are employed within the framework of the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to create 100 new jobs for every 10 thousand people. About 181 thousand people are directed to state-subsidized jobs. In parallel, the process of providing young people with microcredits and grants for the realization of business projects continues.
Leaders of some regions also spoke at the meeting. Thus, the akim of Aktobe region Askhat Shakharov told about the ongoing work on microcrediting of young people, the akim of Zhetisu region Beibit Isabayev spoke about the implementation of the regional employment map.
As Prime Minister noted, the Government has a serious task to employ about 1 million people this year. In general, 734 thousand have already been covered by employment, half of them are young people.
"For the remaining 2.5 months all the planned indicators should be achieved," he emphasized.
Currently, each region is implementing its own employment plans, where the specifics of the labor market are taken into account and, accordingly, differentiated measures of state support. At the same time, Prime Minister emphasized the need to more actively involve young people in labor activity.
At the same time, Alikhan Smailov noted that the economy needs specialists in such areas as energy, oil and gas industry, agriculture, food industry, IT, transportation and logistics. In this regard, he demanded from the Ministries of Science and Education to provide for these areas in the formation of the list of state educational grants.
Prime Minister also reminded that today employment centers have been reformatted into regional centers of labor mobility with district career centers. In general, they have significantly reorganized their work.
"Now we need to improve the mechanism for monitoring employment through these centers. Special attention should be paid to the conclusion of electronic labor contracts with mandatory pension contributions," he said.
In conclusion, Prime Minister emphasized the need to improve the quality of jobs created in the regions, in particular, to provide employment not only within the framework of state support, but also through PPP projects and private investors, to conduct job fairs on a systematic basis and use the example of Astana, where the pilot project "Zholtap" is being implemented. As well as to raise awareness of the population about new employment opportunities.