

5 advices for journalists

Erudition is very important skill for a journalist.
5 advices for journalists
04.02.2017 13:02 57928

  • Read books. Read a lot. History, literature, art, geopolitics, economics, psychology, different topics. You will need all of them. Erudition is very important skill for a journalist. If you read in mother tongue, you will increase your vocabulary. Read mass media. You should be aware of information from different analytical journals, websites and foreign information tools. 

  • Hurry to meet and communicate with people. Do not be shy to come to a stranger and chat. If you see a famous person, also do it. First of all, they might be a character of your future work. If not, they could be an initiator to meet other characters. The more people you know and communicate with, the more you improve your professional skills.

  • Always supplement the list of different specialists, experts, and organizations’ phone numbers in Database. If you know someone’s personal number, do not forget to renew your list. When you change your job, it will help you to show yourself to a new collective from the best, professional side. Whether you can make the right list, it will become a precious treasure.

  • I advise my brothers and sisters who want to become a TV broadcast journalist to pay attention to their appearances. The sad truth is that if you have defects like overweight, pimples on your face, it will be difficult to appear on TV.

  • Never give up. I remind you that world famous journalism stars heard the word “no” a lot on the way to their success.  

Best regards,

Aksaule Alzhan

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