

35,000 test-tube babies born in Kazakhstan

35,000 test-tube babies born in Kazakhstan
Фото: Pixabay.com 16.11.2023 15:07 3842

Obstetrician Vyacheslav Lokshin commented on the high birth rate in Kazakhstan, which allowed us to reach 20 million people. As he noted the professor, IVF clinics also make their contribution, El.kz reports.

High birth rate was noted only in 2020 and 2021. Since 2014, birth rates have declined slightly. And this year there has been a decline.

Since the introduction of IVF in 1996, 35000 test-tube babies have been born in the country, including about 6000 as a result of the Ansagan Sabi program, initiated by the President of the country on September 1, 2020, the scientist commented.

From the professor's point of view, the rate of population growth may slow down due to economic problems and instability in the world.

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