

30 years of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Greece

30 years of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Greece
Фото: MFA 06.10.2022 15:34 1329

 Today marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Hellenic Republic, El.kz cites MFA.

On the occasion of this important date the Foreign Ministers of the two countries exchanged mutual congratulatory messages.

During this period, two countries have established relations of trust and mutually beneficial cooperation based on the principles of equality and respect.

Astana and Athens actively support each other within international organizations. In addition, the parties actively cooperate within the framework of the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between Kazakhstan and the European Union.

Kazakhstan and Greece attach great importance to the development of economic relations. The Joint Intergovernmental Commission on Economic and Technological Cooperation and the Kazakhstan-Greece Business Council work fruitfully implementing the existing opportunities in economic sphere. In recent years the volume of trade between the countries has been growing rapidly. Thus, if bilateral trade turnover in 2021 amounted to 1.346 billion U.S. dollars, in the first seven months of this year it amounted to slightly more than 1 billion US dollars (the growth is 40% compared with the last year).

Close ties in the cultural and humanitarian sphere play an important role in the further development of cooperation between our countries. Ethnic Greeks who returned to their historical homeland from Kazakhstan and the Greek diaspora living in our country make a significant contribution to cooperation in this area.

The level achieved during 30 years of cooperation confirms the mutual intention to strengthen the bilateral cooperation.

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