

2.8 million children to be covered by summer rest and recuperation this year

2.8 million children to be covered by summer rest and recuperation this year
Фото: primeminister.kz 25.05.2023 15:14 678

The results of the school year and measures to organize recreation, leisure and employment of children during the summer vacations were considered at the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

Minister of Education Gani Beisembayev reported that this year more than 3.7 million students are finishing the school year. Particularly, 172,000 pupils are finishing the 11th grade, including 6,800 applicants for Altyn Belgi. Final exams will be held from June 2 to 13 for the 9th grade in four subjects, and from June 5 to 19 for the 11th grade in five subjects.

It is planned that summer holidays and health improvement will cover more than 85% of pupils of 1-10 classes, which is about 2.8 million children, including about 500,000 children from socially vulnerable categories. At present the summer camps are actively preparing for the coming season. In general, 218 country camps and more than 10 thousand pre-school, specialized and tent camps will open their doors.

Askhat Oralov, Minister of Culture and Sports, said more than 500 cultural events and more than 300 sport and tourism events will be organized for children in the framework of summer holidays. In particular, free excursions to museums and sacred places, visits to libraries, shows, various festivals and contests.

In addition, in all regions of the republic will be expanded line of tourist products, aimed at children's audience. In parallel, the implementation of the family tourism program Kids Go Free, which subsidizes the cost of children's tickets as part of the tour package, will be continued. At the end of the first year 1.5 thousand children used this service, about 700 families have saved 70 million tenge. It is expected that this year the program will cover more than 2 thousand children.

Minister of Healthcare Azhar Giniyat made a report on measures to improve health of children and compliance with sanitary-epidemiological requirements in recreation facilities. Akims of Astana city Zhenis Kasymbek, of Mangystau region Nurlan Nogayev, and of Ulytau region Berik Abdygaliuly told about the work being done in the regions.

Prime Minister noted that the state is working systematically to develop infrastructure, improve the quality of education, strengthen the educational work and increase the coverage of children with additional education.

"In a few days the school year will end and the summer vacations will begin. All children are looking forward to a bright and interesting holiday. Therefore, we must create the conditions for their full recreation and health improvement, and obtaining new knowledge," Alikhan Smailov said.

He stressed that 93 billion tenge is allocated from the local budgets to give children the opportunity to attend sports sections and creative clubs for free. In addition, the work on creation of 50 children health camps and construction of 100 centers of innovative creativity was started. This work is to be completed in 2026.

However, according to the Prime Minister, summer recreation and employment of children in the regions is often organized formally.

"There are few interesting and meaningful activities. Their quality is not provided. Children in rural areas are left without proper attention," Alihan Smailov pointed out.

He added that many important and serious issues should be taken into account in the organization of summer recreation and employment of children. The work on mass children's events, including final exams, should be put especially clearly.

"During the organized vacation, children must be guaranteed complete safety. The Ministries of Internal Affairs, Emergencies, Education, Health, and regional Akims should ensure the smooth operation of the relevant services," the Prime Minister said.

In addition, during the summer period akims need to intensify work on equipping and upgrading security systems in educational institutions.

Prime Minister instructed regional akimats to ensure maximum coverage of children of socially vulnerable categories by health improvement, summer holidays and employment.

"Particular attention must be paid to leisure time of rural children. Sports grounds, development centers should be equipped for them, and recreational and cultural activities should be organized," Alikhan Smailov pointed out.

The Head of Government also pointed to the need to organize the work of mobile medical stations for health screening of children and dental examinations in remote settlements. In addition, the importance of ensuring control over the quality of food for children in public places, the sanitary level of food outlets and leisure facilities was noted.

In conclusion, Alikhan Smailov instructed to organize sightseeing and educational activities, increase thematic trips and hikes for children, provide free visits to museums, theaters, nature reserves, national parks and sports facilities during the vacations as part of the development of domestic tourism.

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