The national currency of Kazakhstan – tenge was put into circulation on November 15, 1993. The name of tenge was taken from the history of ancient Turkic small coins, which were common in the Middle Ages.
The first mention of the coins "tanga" appeared in historical monuments of 1361. Switching to the national currency was predetermined by a number of events associated with the collapse of the USSR, it was an important and necessary step.
At the state level, this task was discussed behind closed doors in the Supreme Council and the Government of the Republic. A working group on the implementation of activities related to the introduction of the national currency, under the leadership of D.Kh. Sembayev, as well as a creative group on the design of tenge banknotes were created, which included: Timur Suleimenov, Alin Mendybay, Dosbol Kassymov, Agimsaly Duzelkhanov and Khairulla Gabzhalilov.
The group worked on the design of the first row of tenge from August 1992 to April 1993. It was decided to name the national currency - tenge, and its hundredfold part - tiyn. Portraits of famous historical figures were finally chosen of the many series and variants of sketches.
On the front side of the banknotes are placed portraits of great people of Kazakhstan: al-Farabi, Suyunbay, Kurmangazy, Sh. Ualikhanov, Abulkhairkhan, Abay Khan. On the reverse side there are monuments of culture and nature: Yassaui Mausoleum, rock paintings of Mangystau, Borovoe lake, landscape of Alatau, horseman with eagle.
A special state commission was established on November 3, 1993 to guide the work on the transition to the national currency by the decree of the President of Kazakhstan.
The Decree of the President "On introduction of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was issued on November 12, 1993. The first batch of paper tenge of sovereign Kazakhstan consisted of denominations 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 tenge. The series was printed using hand engraving and with the help of specialists of the oldest English company Harrison & Sons. This order brought the company worldwide fame and a special award - Golden Sign of the Queen of Great Britain.
Tenge was recognized as the best export product of Britain. The national currency of our country was printed abroad until may 1995. After the opening of its own Banknote factory on may 18, 1995, all tenge denominations are issued in Kazakhstan.
Modern Kazakh banknotes have 18 degrees of protection.
By the way, November 15 in the country is also considered a professional holiday of employees of the financial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This holiday is celebrated since 2011.