18 draft laws to be developed in 2024 – Ministry of Justice

The Minister of Justice Azamat Yeskaraev reported on the implementation of the plan of legislative work in the current year and the draft plan for 2024 at the Government session, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.
According to the plan of legislative works of the Government for 2023 provided for the development and submission to the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan 32 bills. During the year, 7 amendments were made.
"On 4 bills postponed the terms of introduction, the bill on public-private partnership was excluded and supplemented with 8 new projects. As of today, 5 out of 32 drafts have been signed by the Head of State, 20 are under consideration of the Parliament, 5 are under consideration of the Government, 2 are under approval in state bodies,"Yeskaraev said.
In connection with the reorganization of ministries and elaboration of conceptual issues with business, the work on the draft Water and Construction Codes is underway. In his report, the Minister drew attention to the poor planning of legislative work by state agencies, which resulted in frequent changes of deadlines and their exclusion from the plan. As an example, he cited the Water Code, the deadlines for the introduction of which were adjusted twice and yet the bill was submitted to the Government with a violation of deadlines.
"In addition, 18 unscheduled bills were developed, about 70 separate packages of amendments were initiated, which also shows the lack of proper planning of legislative work. Taking into account the above, I ask to instruct state agencies to strengthen forecasting and analytical work when planning draft laws," the Minister said.
The draft plan for 2024 has been prepared taking into account the proposals of state bodies and approved by the Interdepartmental Commission on Legislative Activity. Initially, the development of 16 bills was envisaged, to date the plan has undergone minor changes.
"The draft law on the issues of determining the country of origin of goods has been excluded due to the initiation of a similar bill by members of Parliament. Additionally included are draft laws on archives and culture, "On testing for professional integrity," the head of the Ministry of Justice said.
It was also emphasized that the draft takes into account the comments of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The finalized plan provides for the development of 18 bills, three of which are planned to be submitted to Parliament in the first half of the year and 15 - in the second. Consultative documents are approved by the Interdepartmental Commission, summarized the Minister.