163 schools to build in Kazakh rural areas

Progress of the National Project "Comfortable School" was considered at the Government session of Kazakhstan on Tuesday, 20 February, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.
As noted by Minister of Education Gani Beisembayev, in 2024-2025 it is planned to introduce 369 comfortable schools for 740,000 pupils, of which this year there will be 217 schools. Construction will be carried out according to a single standard. At the same time, 163 schools (44%) will be built in rural areas.
These educational facilities will be equipped with modern equipment. Separate blocks with classrooms, sanitary units and gyms are envisaged for primary and high schools. Increased security measures are planned to be ensured through the introduction of modern technical means and enhanced security. For the convenience of pupils, individual lockers for storing teaching aids and clothes are also provided. At the same time, the comfortable schools will provide a barrier-free environment for children with special educational needs.
The Minister added that taking into account the proposals of Atameken and representatives of industry associations, additional measures have been taken to support domestic manufacturers. Thus, it is envisaged to purchase furniture products exclusively from Kazakhstan companies that are in the register of "Samruk-Kazyna" and "Atameken". In addition, mandatory requirements for the use of construction materials of domestic production are included.
Akim of Turkestan region Darhan Satybaldy and Akim of Almaty region Marat Sultangaziyev informed about the progress of construction of schools in the regions.
Prime Minister emphasised that the national project "Comfortable School", implemented on the initiative of the Head of State, is important for the country, as it should solve a set of problems of three-shift and emergency schools. In general, the number of schools to be built has been determined taking into account the needs of each region and its demographic situation.
"All of them should be built exactly where it is urgently needed. Moreover, comfortable schools should be really comfortable with a decent level of education. They should become a model of safe and ergonomic educational environment," Olzhas Bektenov said.
As the head of the Government noted, these schools should be initially equipped with digital cameras, the signal from which should be output to the operational control centres of the police. In addition, high-speed Internet should be connected there to use new teaching methods, including interactive ones.
Prime Minister also added that comfortable schools should be equipped with equipment and furniture necessary for the educational process.
"They should be made centres of attraction for the younger generation, especially in small towns and villages. Schools should have sports sections and creative circles. We need to create opportunities for children to watch educational films, search the Internet for necessary information, and study in the library. All this will improve the quality of education, especially in rural areas. Children should feel that they are provided with a comfortable learning process," Olzhas Bektenov said.
According to him, at the same time with the implementation of the national project there are certain risks. In particular, at the enlarged Government session the Head of State criticised the pace of land allocation and development of project documentation. In this regard, it is instructed to eliminate all the problems as soon as possible.
"It is required to ensure maximum involvement of domestic manufacturers in the procurement of construction materials, equipment and furniture. In general, we need to mobilise all efforts to achieve the task set by the Head of State to build schools of a new format," Prime Minister pointed out.
Olzhas Bektenov instructed the Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" to ensure commissioning of 98 schools by 1 September, and the remaining 119 by the end of the year.
"Without a single disruption of terms. This should not affect the quality of work," he emphasised.
Akims of the regions have been instructed to solve all problematic issues on registration of all land plots for construction of schools by 15 March.
"By 1 August to complete the construction of access roads and engineering and communication infrastructure to schools, which will be commissioned in 2024," Olzhas Bektenov said.
Along with this, he noted that it is required to provide the schools under construction with teaching staff in advance to organise a clear planned educational process immediately after the opening of facilities.
"We will return to the consideration of the implementation of the National Project in June. If the approaches to this work do not change, then tough measures will be taken to those responsible," Olzhas Bektenov concluded.