17 April 2019, 00:00 1386

Deputy Chairman - Head of the Secretariat of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhanseit Tuimebayev got acquainted with the activities of APK’s multimedia portal.

Zhanseit Tuimebayev paid an official visit to Kazcontent JSC.

In the course of the meeting there was held a study tour to Internet projects of the company, located in open space.

Editor-in-chief Nuriddin Bidossov introduced participants of the meeting to the editorial staff of the Assembly’s portal. During the presentation he told about the work done and the current state of the website.

Duman Kozhakhmetov, Chairman of the company, informed the Head of the Secretariat of APK about the work of the company as a whole and added that the Internet projects improve their indicators on a daily basis, including the Assembly's website.

Since September 2018, the website team has significantly improved its work compared to previous years. The dynamics of growth of the site audience, which is increasingly interested in the culture, history, customs and traditions of ethnic groups of Kazakhstan, is clearly expressed.

Since the beginning of 2019, more than 1200 publications have been posted on the portal. Since APK portal is also a multimedia portal, special attention is paid to audio, photo and video content. The audience of the site can see not only text news, but also training videos. These are the videos to play different instruments of different ethnic groups of Kazakhstan. You can listen to fairy tales of the people of the world, take 3D tours.

Every day the number of visitors to the website is growing due to updating sections with interesting content. Work is being done to promote materials in social networks.

Also, the deputy of Mazhilis of Parliament RK Sauytbek Abdrakhmanov and the board member of the Association of development of culture of the Chechen-Ingush society "Vainakh" RK Yussup Keligov took part in discussion of portal 's work


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