Zhanseit Tuimebayev: Ties between Our Countries and People Will Enrich Our Nation-Building Experience

15 November 2019, 17:37 1944

The presentation of the model of public accord and national unity of Nursultan Nazarbayev and book presentation "Folklore of the Uzbek people living in Kazakhstan" held in Tashkent with the participation of Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Deputy Chairman - Head of APK’s Secretariat. The event was organized by the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.

The presentation was also attended by Bahrom Abduhalimov, Vice President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Director of Abu Raihan Institute of Oriental Studies, Darhan Satybaldy, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sirozhiddin Sayyid, Chairman of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan and others participated in the presentation.

Central Asian region is not an easy one. One of the foundations of political stability and cooperation in the region is to preserve the internal unity and cohesion of the people of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The common challenges for Central Asian States and peoples are, first and foremost, terrorism, religious extremism, drug trafficking and the proximity of hotbeds of military and political instability.

"We firmly adhere to the principles of good-neighbourliness and cooperation in the name of stability and prosperity in the region. Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are two fraternal peoples and states with a common history, culture, language and religion. More than 2,350 kilometres of borders between our countries do not divide us, but unite us. Over the years of independence, both Kazakh and Uzbek people have developed formulas of unity based on their own experience. However, the principles of these models have remained the same for many years - civil equality, "unity in diversity", respect for the language, cultures and traditions of other people. In any society, these principles are the cornerstone of stability," Zhanseit Tuimebayev said.

It is well known that stability in Kazakhstan is ensured by the model of social harmony and national unity of Nursultan Nazarbayev. Back at the first session of the Assembly, in March 1995, N.A. Nazarbayev outlined the general line of interethnic relations - the policy of harmony and unity. Conceptual provisions of the Kazakhstani model are reduced to such principles as the people of Kazakhstan - a single nation, the concept of "nation" covers all ethnic minorities living in Kazakhstan. The unified nation is based on the principle of "unity in diversity", which allows ethnic groups to preserve their identity. Different origins are equal opportunities. This means that all citizens of Kazakhstan are equal regardless of social, ethnic or other origin. Social harmony is a principle of the state and social structure laid down in the Constitution of the country. It is based on mutual understanding, respect, tolerance and responsibility. And, of course, another principle based on the national consolidating ideology. Its components are the Doctrine of National Unity, the national patriotic idea "Мangilik El", the program "Rukhani Zhangyru". These concepts affirm the commonality of values that unite the people.

In addition, the Kazakhstani model has become one of the areas of close cooperation between the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. Representatives of the Assembly have travelled to many countries around the world to share their experiences. The Kazakhstani model of interethnic tolerance has been translated into the languages of the OSCE countries and disseminated in all embassies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 56 OSCE participating States. Agreements, memoranda of cooperation and understanding have been signed between the APK and the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, the Centre of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, CICA, the Centre for Global Dialogue and Cooperation (Vienna, Austria) and the Assembly of Peoples of Kyrgyzstan.

The presentation was followed by a meeting with representatives of the Kazakh ethnos living in Uzbekistan. "I hope that the link between our countries and people will further enrich our nation-building experience. We are historically neighbors and brothers. May our friendship be inviolable for the good of our people," said Zhanseit Tuimebayev.

The official part was followed by a performance made by Uzbek ethnocultural associations of Kazakhstan "Dustlik".

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