18 July 2019, 15:14 3303

Today the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan held a scientific-practical conference "Qazaqtanu – el birliginin negizi" in the House of Friendship. In 2018, there was a presentation of the scientific and educational project "Qazaqtanu", initiated at the 26th session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan by the Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev. 

The strategic project is aimed at ensuring that the values of the Kazakh people, which have become national and significant for all ethnic groups of the country, were assimilated by today's and subsequent generations and dynamically developed.

The main task of the conference is to contribute to the consolidation of the people of Kazakhstan through the formation and strengthening of our common values. In fact, the key to stability in the country can be the unification of all representatives of nationalities through the study of the history and language of the Kazakh people.

Deputy Head - Head of Secretariat of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of Executive Office of the President of RK Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Deputy Chairman of Mazhilis of Parliament RK Vladimir Bozhko, deputy of Mazhilis of Parliament RK Sauytbek Abdrakhmanov, Kazakhstan State Emblem author Zhandarbek Malibekov, statesmen of Republic Kazakhstan, scientists, representatives of ethno-cultural associations of Nur-Sultan, members of scientific-expert group of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in Nur-Sultan city and youth took part in the work of the conference.

Opening the speech, Zhanseit Tuimebayev congratulated those present on the establishment of the National Council of Public Trust

"Yesterday's Decree of the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev on the establishment of the National Council of Public Trust is an important step in the implementation of his election platform. I am sure that this measure fully fits into the logic of modernization of the country, the dialogue between the state and society. Undoubtedly, it reflects the determination of the President of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev to ensure high dynamics of these processes. This is exactly what he has been demonstrating since the very first days of taking office. Today, when the country is entering a new phase of its development, we all undoubtedly draw moral strength from the historical spiritual heritage, which was formed by Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev. His program articles "Course Towards the Future - Modernization of Public Consciousness" and "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe" became the spiritual constitution of Kazakhstanis. These articles have designated deep bases and components of our national identity. They have become the mental core of consolidation, both for the Kazakhs themselves and for the entire people of Kazakhstan. Spiritual modernization, according to Elbasy, connects the horizons of the past, present and future, it is designed to reconcile the different poles of national consciousness. It is based on a vast historical experience, verified by centuries of ethical and moral code of the Kazakh people. Today, within the framework of the "Ruhani Zhangyru" program, a lot of spiritual work is being done in the country. Multi-format projects are being implemented, which cover the entire population of the country," the speaker said.

He noted that the Arys events became a severe test for the national code of Kazakhstanis. Despite this, Kazakhstanis passed the exam perfectly. Millions of people shared their hearts with bread, clothing and basic necessities. The whole country participates in the restoration of Arys.

"I want to thank all our ethno-cultural associations which in the first hours after explosions have left on the aid to victims, and all who was near all these difficult days. Thank you! On the other hand, we must admit that both Arys and the feat of the Kazakh people during the repressions and deportations are manifestations of our national code. The code of unity and friendship, solidarity and trust. Today, this code strengthens the values that unite the nation.

Deputy Head of APK noted that our national-cultural roots should lie in the foundation of the common history.

"That is why the Assembly initiated a large-scale cultural and educational project "Qazaqtanu". In its spirit and content it fully corresponds to the idea of "Ruhani Zhangyru". The project is aimed at popularization of culture, history, philosophy, values of Kazakh people among the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan. Thanks to the project, the value basis of national unity is being strengthened through the interpenetration of cultures and intergenerational relations and civic patriotism as well.

In 2018, "Qazaqtanu" project was held at the national level in Akmola (June), Kyzylorda (September), Kostanay (October) and Atyrau (November) regions as part of the APK’s Republican Lecture Hall. Our partners were Sacred Kazakhstan Centre, Institute of State History, and Scientific Expert Council of APK.

The Republican Youth Movement "Zhangyru Zholy" implemented the Republican Historical and Environmental Action "Sacred Heritage Uly Dala Eli". It was attended by 74,926 people and 352 events were held. This year, work is being done to continue and scale up "Qazaqtanu" project.

The project "Qazaqtanu" within the framework of the decree of the President RK Nursultan Nazarbayev, given at the XXVI session of the Assembly (paragraph 9 of Protocol No. 18-35-3.1 of April 28, 2018) is included in the educational project to promote the program "Ruhani Zhangyru" and Five Social Initiatives of the President. Within the framework of filling the Program "Ruhani Zhangyru" with new content and directions, the project "Qazaqtanu" together with the Ministry of Information and Public Development envisages new large-scale projects: “Mamile” project, the festival "Preserving traditions" with the participation of young families of ethno-cultural associations under the auspices of APK’s Mothers’ Council, republican contest "Soz Marzhany", festival "Unique dishes of Kazakh national cuisine", national festival of ethnocultural associations "Ult Qazynasy", republican youth expedition "Oz elindi tany". All of them will be implemented taking into account the tasks set out in the article by the Head of State "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe".

In conclusion, Zhanseit Tuimebayev noted that one of the leitmotifs of the project "Qazaqtanu" will be 175th anniversary of great Abay, which can rightly be called a spiritual father and forerunner of "Qazaqtanu".

Dana Tugambekova

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