Youth Patriotic Song Festival was held in Pavlodar

19 December 2019, 12:03 1648

The festival of patriotic songs among young people of ethno-cultural associations was held in the House of Friendship of the regional center.

Its initiators are the coordination council of youth associations of APK of the region with the support of the secretariat of regional APK and Kogamdik Kelisim MSI.

The youth of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan sang both ancient national and modern songs accompanying them with choreographic performances.

- We started preparation for the annual festival for some months, - the leader of youth of the Bulgarian ethno-cultural association "Slavs" Violetta Koleva shared.

- I have been in the Assembly for 10 years, but every year my participation in the festival is a great holiday. During this time, I and our activists have improved knowledge of Kazakh language, because it is much easier to learn the language through songs.

The event ended with the popular challenge "Men Qazaqpyn". More than one hundred representatives of 15 creative teams took part in the festival.
