Uralsk celebrated Jewish Culture Day

18 December 2019, 11:54 1628
URALSK - Jewish Culture Day, organized by the Jewish ethnocultural association "Lamed" of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of West Kazakhstan region was held in the Friendship House.

The exhibition presenting history of this and many other holidays, literary works of the Jewish writers, and also traditional celebratory treats without which any Jewish holiday is not done was organized in the hall.

According to the information of the organizers, days of ethno-cultural associations help to understand better how multifaceted and interesting Kazakhstan is, how many different cultures it has intertwined to make it a real example of friendship of representatives of different nationalities.

Gaisa Kapakov, Vice President of APK WKR and Vladimir Volkov, Vice Consul of the general consulate of Russia in Uralsk delivered welcoming speech. The Jewish holiday is dated to celebrating of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and passes within the limits of the project "Days of culture of ethnic minors" at support of mayor’s office of West Kazakhstan region.

The basic purpose of a holiday is strengthening of the interethnic consent and tolerance in a society, education of rising generation in spirit of patriotism, preservation and propagation of culture and traditions of all ethnic minors living in our common house.
