Top 10 most popular professions in Kazakhstan named

9 June 2023, 11:15 2004

The Department of Technical and Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan presented a rating of the most popular educational areas, reports.

In the current academic year, more than 130,000 applicants are expected to be admitted under the state educational order, including 10,000 students recommended by enterprises.

Among the current areas that are in particular demand in the labor market, the following can be distinguished:

Information technology;

Construction and public utilities;



Power engineering;

Metallurgy and mechanical engineering;




Medicine and other areas.

Currently, more than 517,000 students are enrolled in colleges across the country, of which about 312,000 receive free technical and vocational education. This year, the state order for education will be expanded by 50,000 places. In addition, starting from the new academic year, college students will receive scholarships increased by 50%. Students under the state order are also entitled to social support, including scholarships, meals and travel.
