Tokayev receives Minister of Internal Affairs Yerzhan Sadenov

Yesterday, 17:58 114

The President received Minister of Internal Affairs Yerzhan Sadenov, news agency reports with reference to the press service of Akorda.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was informed about the crime situation in the country.

As Yerzhan Sadenov reported, since the beginning of the year, there has been a decrease in crime. In particular, the number of criminal offenses decreased by four thousand, including crimes - by seven thousand. There is a decrease in the number of offenses committed in public places and by minors.

The President was also reported about the results of the work on countering organized crime, drug-related crimes as well as ensuring road safety and improving human resources.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was informed about the Ministry’s activity on ensuring law and order in the country and zero tolerance towards any offences.

At the end of the meeting, the President set a number of tasks to the Ministe to further improve the level of law and order and public security in the country.
