The Head of State is the backbone of the country

30 November 2020, 19:17 1874

The First President`s Day is a national holiday

The Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a special national holiday for our country. On the first of December, in 1991, at the first general election in our history, Kazakhstan people have voluntarily elected the President of Kazakhstan. Our country has gained sovereignty and chosen a new path of development. Under the careful leadership of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, our people had raised the Flag of Independence. Development of many spheres of life, respect for our Constitution, symbols and spiritual values, the great initiatives have been born in order to glorify him.

A peculiarity of the Day of the First President is that it is an important stage in the formation of the Kazakh people as the state determines. After all, our country has twenty-nine years of experience in the presidential form of government and independence showed that this form of governance is effective for the country, and it also allowed to determine the main directions of domestic and foreign policy.

A foresight of the First President, Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev, is that due to his policy, independent Kazakhstan has become a leader in the Central Asian region and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The prudent domestic and foreign policy pursued by the Head of State has ensured the creation of a modern, dynamically developing state with a socially oriented economy.

The First President presented the strategic program “Kazakhstan-2050”, which will enrich the country's development path. A weighty document assesses the experience of independence and outlines the fundamental issues for the future. In 1997, Elbasy said: “What do we want to build, what is the trajectory of our development, what is the highway to achieve our chosen goal? We need to know and understand it clearly”. The words of Elbasy did not change. Since then, the people of Kazakhstan, under the leadership of the first President, are working for the prosperity of the country, moving forward and relying on his efforts.

Other than this, the First President of Kazakhstan has been in charge of the development of our common Homeland`s stability and peace in the country. Less than twenty years after independence, our country is still in Europe, Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev has done a great job. Today Kazakhstan is acknowledged as a strategically strong, important state in the Eurasian space. More precisely, achievements and economic prosperity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a symbol of international prestige, are considered as the waving of the Asian flag in our country, the world community Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the OSCE and hosting the OSCE Summit in Astana, as well as the chairmanship of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It is a great honor and privilege for us to play a leading role in international scientific and practical conferences. In addition, the results of voting in 161 countries became the owner of the international specialized exhibition “EXPO 2017” in Astana. That's great that the leader of the nation is both the source and the catalyst of success.

Nowadays, our country has entered a new historical stage of the development. This is because, the achievements that have been made so far, allow us to redefine the future of Kazakhstan. “Nurly Zhol” program is the basis of our new economic direction, where the innovation economy will be taken. Thus, the quality of life of our people will correspond to the average European level. In addition, these are the goals of the people of Kazakhstan and the Leader of the Nation for the XXI century.


Алия Кульмагамбетова