The future is for IT specialists

29 November 2017, 16:37 3758

In a global digitalization, IT specialists are becoming more popular in all industries

In a global digitalization, IT specialists are becoming more popular in all industries. New technologies are being improved every day, so employers require their employees to have a high professional level of competence. Given the fact that in Kazakhstan in the framework of the "Digital Kazakhstan" is planned to actively implement a service-oriented government that can increase transparency in government, experts high level of expertise now more than ever, need to Kazakhstan.

 The government is focusing on digitalization of the basic sectors: energy and raw materials, agriculture, industry, logistics, information technology sector. According to the state's plans, Kazakhstan should take the 30th place in the International rating of digital competitiveness as early as 2025. And digital transformation is impossible without the transformation of the ecosystem. At the basis of which, the formation of creative, educated society and new infrastructure. To this end, Kazakhstan will turn to world best practices and intends to form cadre in the country.

 And here the responsibility falls on the Kazakh universities. Now the launch of various training initiatives will help solve the problem of training personnel in the modern IT market.   There are already successful projects, which started in Kazakhstan and continue their development. Already 11 leading universities of the country, including the Nazarbayev University and the Finance Academy under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan entered into the program SAP University Alliance for inclusion in the educational process of innovative technologies. Program participants are available over 700 courses on SAP solutions, for the convenience of learning embedded in educational modules.

 Access immediately to the entire knowledge base opens through the cloud online platform Learning Hub (Academic Edition).What is the advantage of knowledge gained through the program? Often, universities provide a theoretical basis, and practical knowledge specialists receive only in practice. SAP supports new formats for the training of qualified specialists, which allows developing an educational model in Kazakhstan when the business is ready to accept students with practical experience. Now students have no need to travel and knowledge abroad to complete their education after high schools, all advanced educational programs are available to students on the basis of the program. And if before the stake on the students of the state program "Bolashak", now and Kazakh schools have access to global education courses within the University Alliance.

 Around the world, SAP collaborates with many universities, in particular, has a successful joint experience working with Stanford University, on the basis of which created the SAP  Innovation Lab - the prototype of SAP Next-Gen global program Labs. The students are having a good theoretical base, come from SAP labs to solve specific business problems posed by partners and SAP customers. Such laboratories are planned to be created in the near future on the basis of leading universities of Kazakhstan. The existing SAP Next-Gen Labs team fulfill orders for such large companies like Ford, Volvo, Renault, IKEA, Airbus, NASA and many others.

 Also in SAP Next-Gen Lab - the center for innovation and networking, students, in addition to studying the technology will work with the project partners and SAP customers. And it is very useful to students for further inclusion in the process of solving their business problems already, develop creative thinking skills, technical and managerial skills.

 During the master classes, competitions or field seminars participants may be tasked with, say, develop your own application using a high-tech platform for processing large SAP HANA database or create a new product, based on the user experience and personal preferences of potential customers. Similar activities of the SAP University Alliance program are regularly held around the world, and not only university lecturers and SAP experts participate, but also representatives of the largest companies to whom students protect their projects.

 This compares with an internship in a big company: program participants to communicate with professionals to gain experience working in a team and solve specific business problems, learn to analyze information and make decisions with the help of the entire spectrum of digital opportunities. Students have access to SAP solutions such as the HCP, Lumira, Internet of Things and others.

Presentation of SAP Next-Gen Lab for university representatives took place during the tour to Silicon Valley - DigitalTransformation Incubator Trip.

 Among the participants were representatives of the Nazarbayev University. During the tour, the experts were able to witness how the laboratory, to visit the exhibition at Stanford University projects, SAP Center for Innovation and HANA House SAP in Palo Alto.

 In addition to training courses, the University Alliance SAP organizes educational events, including lectures by leading SAP experts on current technology topics, such as analytics for large data and Internet stuff. So a week SAP innovation and learning in Astana, brought together more than 100 students, 35 teachers, representing 10 leading universities from 6 cities of Kazakhstan (Astana, Almaty, Aktau, Atyrau, Pavlodar, Ust-Kamenogorsk).

 A Winter School SAP University Alliance in Almaty was visited by teachers from all over the CIS region (Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, and Uzbekistan). One of the "highlights" of the event was a training on the development of native applications for iOS-platform SAP HCP (HANA Cloud Platform). The training was conducted in the framework of SAP and Apple co-operation.

Thus, the SAP company through an educational program University Alliance and cooperation with leading educational institutions in the country committed to the development of human resource capacity of the country, training of qualified IT personnel. Especially because at the moment in Kazakhstan formed an ideal environment for innovation and preparation of a new generation of professionals for the digital transformation of the country.

 This environment was formed primarily due to the course of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the readiness of universities and business to raise highly qualified specialists within the country.

Translated by Akhan Tuleshov

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