29 May 2019, 17:55 1614

"Shanyrak" language school of Akmola Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan hosted a festive event - "The Last Bell" on the occasion of the end of the academic year.

Someone after summer holidays will return to school with new forces, and someone today will leave its walls forever, having received a proud title "graduate".

The guests who were present at the festival wished the school graduates good luck. In particular, in her speech the head of the Secretariat of the Akmola Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Marziyat Tokhayeva noted that "The language school is unusual, nine languages of different ethnicities are studied in it. And today, thanks to the policy of the state, the First President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev, each ethnos has the opportunity to learn their native language. A country where the language, culture, customs and traditions of each ethnic group are honored and respected, shows the whole world a real example of friendship and unity. Each graduate, having graduated from school, chooses his or her own path, and no matter what path he or she chooses, the main thing is to always remain a patriot of his or her country," Marziyat Yusupovna noted.

Shanyrak school students were awarded letters of gratitude for their successful studies and active social activity. Teachers were also paid attention.

On behalf of regional ethno-cultural associations of graduates of "Shanyrak" school Rafail Sulkarnayev congratulated the chairman of "Association of Tatars and Bashkirs of Akmola region" NGO.
