The fight against corruption and the rule of law is the main thrust of the Address of the Head of State to the people of Kazakhstan

29 January 2018, 12:23 1032

January 26, 2018 in the House of friendship was held the municipal state institution "Kogamdyk kelisim" round table on the theme "the Fight against corruption and the rule of law - the focus of the President's address to people of Kazakhstan", which was attended by the employees of the above mentioned organizations and representatives of ethnocultural associations of the region and the media.

In virtually every strategic document of the President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev red thread is the idea of uncompromising struggle against corruption, which, like ulcer can eat away at society from within. Was no exception and the Message Elbasi "New possibilities of development in the fourth industrial revolution", the ninth direction is devoted to the fight against corruption and the rule of law.

The leader of the nation in his Message made it clear that the fight against corruption as a social evil will continue at all levels of the Kazakhstan society. In particular, he noted that "over the last three years convicted of corruption more than 2,5 thousand persons, including top officials and leaders of state-owned companies paid about 17 billion tenge caused them damage. Important is the digitalization of processes in state agencies, including their interaction with community and business. Citizens need to see how deals with their appeal, and the time to get quality answers".

Corruption can negatively impact on such areas as peace and harmony in society, which is so proud of the people of Kazakhstan, - said the head of KGU "kogamdyk kelisim" Rano Ubaidullaeva.

Addressing the event, Chairman of the Uzbek ethnic and cultural center of the city of Taraz Abdurahman Zaynutdinov said that with such large-scale evil such as corruption, must be fought by the whole society.

- The message of the President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev is an important stimulus for the further modernization of the country and requires the active participation of all citizens in the implementation. To achieve an effective counteraction of corruption is possible only by combining the efforts of all the institutions of civil society - focused, Abdurrahman Yuldashevich.

Lawyer KGU "Kogamdyk kelisim" Shoilya Shauynusova reported on some aspects of the use antikorruptsionera legislation, told about the activities of state structures to combat corruption and also raised the issue of the formation of anti-corruption immunity among young people.

- The society's ability not only to detect and prevent corrupt activities of public officials, but also to educate the younger generation in the spirit of intolerance towards corruption is a prerequisite, which will help us to set new standards for relations between the state and citizens. To fight corruption requires a systemic effort from all sectors of society - summed up Sh. Shouynusova.

During the event the audience was shown appropriate to the theme of the meeting videos which were prepared by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service Affairs and anti-corruption.
